Trump attack on corona expert Fauci: “It’s a disaster”


Anthony Fauci is a renowned US corona expert, but US President Donald Trump repeatedly reproaches him. Now, according to media reports, they were particularly violent.

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About two weeks before the US election, President Donald Trump raised his spirits against renowned health experts and critical reports of pandemics in many outlets. “People are fed up with the pandemic,” the Republican said Monday (local time) during a campaign appearance in southwestern Arizona. “The pandemic will end soon,” he promised his followers, although this contradicts current development in the United States, where the number of new infections has recently increased.

According to media reports, Trump had previously described top US health expert Anthony Fauci as a “disaster” and accused him of mistakes in the pandemic. According to reports from CNN and the New York Times, Trump voiced the devastating criticism on Monday in a phone call with his election campaign team. “When he appears on television, there is always a bomb, but there is a bigger bomb when you shoot it. The guy is a mess,” Trump said, according to the New York Times. “People are sick of listening to Fauci and those idiots, all those idiots who made mistakes.”

In the United States, a country with around 330 million inhabitants, more than 220,000 people have died after being infected by the coronavirus. Since the pandemic began, more than 8.2 million people in the United States have contracted the virus. The number of new infections recently rose back to around 50,000 per day. According to CNN, Trump said with a view to Fauci: “If he had listened, we would have 500,000 dead.”

Trump receives harsh criticism for his statements

Fauci is director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases and part of the White House coronavirus task force. Even in Trump’s party there was opposition to his fierce criticism. Senate Health Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander said on Twitter that Fauci was one of the most respected civil servants in history and had worked for six US presidents. “If more Americans followed his advice, we would have fewer Covid-19 cases.”

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Trump, in turn, continued his attacks in two election campaign appearances in Arizona. People were fed up with outlets like liberal broadcaster CNN only talking about the pandemic, Trump said. He accused CNN of reporting on the pandemic so negatively that people would not vote. “People are not buying this from you CNN stupid bastards,” Trump said to cheers from his supporters.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden condemned Trump’s comments on the pandemic and his criticism of Fauci. “Mr. President, you are right about one thing: Americans are fed up with it. They are fed up with your lies about this virus,” Biden said. “You are sick of seeing more Americans die and lose more jobs because you refuse to take this pandemic seriously.”

Fauci often contradicts the president of the United States.

Fauci said on CBS Sunday that he was not “absolutely surprised” that Trump was infected with the corona virus. Looking at an event with Trump in the White House rose garden late last month, the immunologist spoke of a “superpreader event.” When he saw on television that there were hardly any protective measures there, he thought, “Nothing good can come of it.” Trump repeated Monday that he was not only free from the corona virus, he was immune.

Fauci had also told CBS that the White House had been monitoring his radio appearances during the pandemic. “I was definitely not allowed to go to many, many, many shows that were asked of me.” Trump said: “We will let him do what he wants.” Fauci loves to appear on television. White House communications director Alyssa Farah told Fox News on Monday: “It’s hard to turn on the television and not watch it.” It’s certainly not trying to prevent you from sharing important information with the public.

Fauci again criticized that Trump’s campaign team had used his statement without permission and in a misleading way in an election commercial. He was “really mad” about it. The immunologist also criticized him for receiving death threats and harassment to his family.

Trump’s poll numbers have fallen due to Corona

In polls, most Americans have given Trump bad marks for his crisis management in the pandemic for months. In polls, Fauci is much more confident than the president.

Dealing with the pandemic is likely to play an important role for many voters in the November 3 presidential election. According to national polls, Democrat Biden is clearly in the lead. Many major state polls also see him ahead of Trump. But four years ago, Trump was also behind in the polls and finally prevailed against Hillary Clinton.
