Extremism in the police: Scholz announces study on racism


“There will be a study” – says Vice Chancellor Scholz about the debate on racism in the German security authorities. Interior Minister Seehofer had specifically rejected the latter. Even now, apparently, there is still a disagreement over the title of the study.

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that the federal government wanted to investigate racism within the police. “There will be a study,” the SPD politician said aloud. WDR COSMO podcast “Machiavelli”. “We are still thinking about what to call them.” He exchanges ideas “every other day” with the federal interior minister, Horst Seehofer.

According to information from the “Rheinische Post”, a solution is emerging. Seehofer has repeatedly rejected a study on racism that only focused on the police. However, he was willing to investigate the security authorities as part of a comprehensive study on racism in society.

Scholz: “The solution has to be that we investigate”

Last week, the CSU politician emphasized “that we have no structural problem with right-wing extremism in the federal and state security authorities.” Scholz criticized the WDR-Podcast: “A study should have been commissioned a long time ago.” The solution should be for this to be investigated.

Scholz explained to the WDR In addition, in a study it is difficult to find a way that makes it possible “for the incredibly large majority of police officers who do a good job to try very hard and do everything well, not feel like they are destined.”

Seehofer: Don’t put the police under general suspicion

Following the discovery of far-right talk groups of police officers in several federal states, the SPD had already asked the police for a comprehensive study on racism. Seehofer had argued, however, that it was wrong to focus solely on the security authorities when investigating this phenomenon. That would put the police under widespread suspicion, he said.

Now the discussion within the Union amounts to a solution consisting of three different studies, reported the “Rheinische Post”, citing the Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Herbert Reul (CDU). SPD interior ministers must follow the path taken by Seehofer, there must be no “political party disputes” on this important issue, Reul told the newspaper.

Three different studies as a solution?

Accordingly, there should be a separate factual analysis from the status report on the protection of the constitution to right-wing extremism in the security authorities and this report should be extended to the entire public service.

In addition, a comprehensive study of racism in all areas of society will be commissioned without restricting it to professional groups. Finally, a study is added that investigates the motivation of police candidates, the daily life of the police and violence against the police.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 20, 2020 at 9:00 am
