How old are the infected in the republic


Young people are at the center of criticism when it comes to behavior during the corona pandemic. But what is its share in the growing number of new infections? Current data provides information.

“I can understand that young people would like to celebrate. But now they have to show solidarity with the elderly,” said Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann. And the mayor of the Berlin district for Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain, Monika Herrmann, identified young people without children as the main transmitters of the corona virus.

The suspicion: young people are not taking the pandemic seriously enough, they are responsible for the number of infections that are currently increasing rapidly. Is that correct? Current data from the Robert Koch Institute show how corona diseases are distributed among age groups.

In the video above, you can see how large the proportion of young people is among those infected with corona in Germany and which age group is particularly affected. You can also find the publication here.
