Preparing for a no-deal Brexit: time is ticking for UK businesses


Negotiations on a trade agreement between the UK and the EU have stalled, and British companies are also suffering from this. As they face fundamental challenges as a result of the pandemic, the government is already preparing 200,000 merchants for a no-deal Brexit.

Britain urges British businessmen to prepare to leave the European Union (EU) without a deal. About 200,000 merchants would receive a letter setting out new tax and customs regulations, the government announced Sunday night.

“Make no mistake, there will be changes in just 75 days and time is running out for businesses,” said UK Cabinet Secretary Michael Gove. Now all must work together so that Britain can seize the new opportunities that would arise “from an independent trading nation with control over its own borders, territorial waters and laws.”

The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) accused the government of being responsible for the lack of preparation of companies. “With the triple burden of a coronavirus resurgence, tighter restrictions and a disorderly exit from the EU after the transition period, it is no wonder companies are struggling to prepare,” said Adam Marshall, CEO of the BCC. Companies are tired of constantly navigating new “cliffs and deadlines” as they grapple with fundamental challenges as a result of the pandemic. He is still waiting for an agreement with the EU. “An agreement would give companies more clarity so they can plan.”

According to an agency report, the UK could change a controversial but not yet passed internal market law to reach a deal with the EU. In its current form, the law would allow the UK government to repeal parts of the binding divorce treaty with the EU. Ahead of the upcoming Brexit negotiations, the fronts between the EU and Britain have hardened. Over the weekend, both parties again accused of showing little willingness to compromise.
