Christian Lindner, head of the FDP: “do not overdramatize” the situation of the crown


Even if caution is required, a curfew, as in France, for example, would be disproportionate in the opinion of the president of the FDP, Christian Lindner. Politicians should not overly dramatize the situation.

The president of the FDP, Christian Lindner, has called for proportionality in measures against the crown pandemic. It advises caution, Lindner said Sunday on the ARD “Report from Berlin.” “But we shouldn’t over-dramatize either.” A curfew like in France would be disproportionate in Germany. However, big celebrations and “mass drinking” are taboo.

Currently, the number of new infections is being analyzed, Lindner said on transmission of ARD. There are experts who say that other parameters must also be taken into account. These included, for example, the situation in doctors’ offices and hospital care.

Federal Minister of the Economy Peter Altmaier (CDU), who was invited to the program along with Lindner, blames the increasing number of infections “mainly parties and private celebrations.” “We have to call on everyone to put it on the back burner for a few weeks or months so that we can control the health situation,” Altmaier said. Schools, kindergartens and shops could remain open for this. There are almost no infections there.

Altmaier advises young people to be flexible

Altmaier advises young beginners to be flexible in the times of Corona. The CDU politician said Sunday night in ARD’s “Berlin report”: “If there are young people who cannot take their dream job right now because this industry is falling, then I simply say: Then maybe you can see if there are transition opportunities where people are sought, and then change again after a year. “

Don’t let these people down, says Altmaier. “There is a need for skilled workers in Germany, also at this time. And that is why we can help these young people find meaningful work.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) issued an urgent appeal over the weekend to ask German citizens to limit their contacts and refrain from traveling.
