Union and Söder lead in polls: Greens rank second in most of the country


According to the RTL / ntv trend barometer, the latest Corona Zoff has little effect on party preferences. The CDU and the CSU remain the dominant parties. Approval ratings in the city and country, as well as in the east and west, support the new strength of the Greens.

Differences between the various federal states and the federal government in the corona measures did not have a direct impact on party polls. According to the new RTL / ntv trend barometer, only the FDP has gained one percentage point and now six percent are slightly off the existential five percent hurdle. The left, on the other hand, plummets by one percentage point to seven percent.

Meanwhile, there is hardly any way around the Union in forming a government. With another 36 percent, the CDU and CSU are far ahead of the Greens in second place with 20 percent. They, in turn, remain stable against the SPD, which stagnates at 15 percent, which is unsatisfactory for the Social Democrats. The AfD continues to lead the three small parties with 9 percent, followed by the Left Party and the Liberals.

Black-green like a western coalition

This week, the Forsa polling institute also quantified approval ratings by city and country, as well as by the east and west. A look at these numbers shows: The main reason the Union and the Greens are so strong in nationwide polls is because they rank first and second in almost every region. The SPD, on the other hand, suffers from weak approval in the East and strong approval from the Greens in West German cities. The latter had also become surprisingly clear recently in the local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia.

In the west, for example, the Union is mainly found in rural areas, with 43 and 42 percent, respectively, in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants and municipalities between 5,000 and less than 20,000 inhabitants. In the east, the CDU is also ahead in all municipalities below 100,000, but with just over 30 percent. The second strongest force in rural areas of eastern German states is the AfD, with one in five respondents leaning towards it.

The East opts for the most extreme

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The Greens, on the other hand, are weak in the eastern zone and much stronger in the west and especially in the western German metropolises, that is, where a particularly large number of eligible voters live. Only in East German communities with fewer than 500,000 inhabitants are the Greens not the second strongest force.

In large western German cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, the Greens reach their highest value with 24 percent approval, the Union with 30 percent the weakest. There, the AfD also has it harder than anywhere else at five percent.

Based on the polls and the general political situation, the government coalition formed by the Union and the Greens would mainly represent the voters of the former federal states. It is notable that the so-called center parties – CDU / CSU, FDP, Greens, and SPD – gain 80 percent approval in the west, but only 59 percent in the east. There the parties on the fringes of the political spectrum, AfD and Left, are much stronger. Political differences are still evident in the thirtieth year of reunification.
