Candidates for the presidency of the CDU: launch with the youth of the party


For the first time, the three hopefuls for the CDU presidency are together on stage today. Merz, Laschet and Röttgen compete for the Junge Union: the group of undecided is numerous there.

By Kristin Schwietzer, ARD capital studio

In golf, a course is a short distance shot to land on the green and hole out as quickly as possible. In baseball, the art of the pitcher, that is, the pitcher, is to throw so well that the ball is difficult to hit. In the advertising industry, the speech is a short presentation. The best pitcher gets the job. With a turn on the green, with a strong pitch or with the best arguments in the house of Adenauer?

At Junge Union, the field is the casting show for the candidates. Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz or Norbert Röttgen? Who is the best pitcher? Candidates for the CDU presidency appear Saturday before the political offspring of the CDU and the CSU, but without a hearing due to Corona.

Wildcard to watch

Only four JU members get an exclusive box. A wild card to see. The places were raffled in advance. The event at the Allianz Arena at the Brandenburg Gate will be broadcast digitally. In the end, the president of the Junge Union, Tillmann Kuban, gives the starting signal. Members then have 14 days to decide who their favorite is. Then a member survey.

Kuban says so ARDCapital study: “For my own voting decision in the CDU party congress, the vote is binding and I will bring encouragement to the party.” For the other 100 JU delegates, it is certainly an important recommendation, Kuban said. “We would like all the other party congress delegates to include in their decision who the CDU of tomorrow would like to be the party leader.”

Many undecided

There are grassroots supporters for each of the candidates. Some people in the JU still play Jens Spahn and secretly complain that they have already agreed to stand by Laschet’s side. Spahn would only have good chances at the JU. Will Laschet bring in a few more votes at the end?

The group of undecided is numerous. Kuban explains why: “The candidates have not yet clearly positioned themselves in relation to many of the specific demands of the Junge Union, such as renouncing the participation of the municipalities themselves in the school digital pact, connecting the European metropolises with high-speed trains. speed or finally raise the limit on mini-jobs. “

Now the candidates must be put to the test. The rules: Everyone can speak for five minutes. The order will be determined on short notice. Then they must be grilled and answer the questions of the JU members. They light up through the video screen.

New format

Stefanie Schipanski is a member of the federal board. She hopes the presentation will provide “a new format with which we can screen the candidates. I look forward to clear statements on the challenges ahead.” Family, education, climate, digitization. These are the topics that young people are passionate about. “For me, as a young mother, it is especially exciting to know how the future president wants to make the party more attractive to mothers and young women,” says Schipanski. Corona showed how it works.

Young moms also have time for the digital conference in the evening, but less time for beer at the regular customers’ table. How do candidates feel about more flexible work hours, more home office, more time for family? So far, young people have received few responses.

These days, as long as the pandemic allows, all three candidates are happy to appear in state associations and with delegates. Many would like to see a decision here. “We finally need a president. And above all, we want to know who we are going to campaign for.” You hear phrases like that more often these days. But what if Corona foiled all the plans?

Work on plan B

As a precaution, they are working on Plan B at Adenauer-Haus. If the pandemic prevents a party conference in Stuttgart because the number of cases is too high, a second location that is suitable for trade shows will be checked. Leipzig is under discussion. That would be déjà vu for Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Here he asked the question of power almost a year ago. The beginning of the end of her time as head of the CDU.

The stage for the election of his successor is not yet entirely certain due to Corona. However, pitchers will make their first round of joint submission on Saturday. Pitching day at the Junge Union. Merz, Laschet, Röttgen: who is best received by the youth of the party? The Junge Union leaves the mark and could send a major boost to the ranks of the parent party, the CDU, with its membership poll.

Inforadio reported on this issue on October 17, 2020 at 7:27 am
