The app gets this new additional feature


In the future, users of the Corona Warning app will be able to enter their symptoms in the app in addition to positive test results. The information is intended to better assess the risk of infection for contacts.

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The federal corona warning app will be expanded with two features next Monday. On the one hand, those who have tested positive can voluntarily enter the symptoms of the disease in a kind of diary to be able to implement the warnings of the contacts with greater precision. In addition, the application will work beyond the borders of Germany in several European countries. “Spiegel” was the first to report on the upcoming update of the symptom diary feature.

The information should make the risk calculation more accurate

The additional information is intended to improve the risk calculation of the application. This determines how high your risk of infection is for the contact persons of infected persons. The president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, told the German Press Agency: “The more we know about the symptoms and the period of symptoms, the more accurately we can configure the warnings in the app.”

Infected people are only infectious for a certain period of time. It would only infect other people during this period. This period of time generally begins two days before the onset of symptoms and lasts up to about a week to ten days after the onset of symptoms.

The app has now been downloaded about 19.6 million times. Experts assume that the app is actively used by around 16 million people in Germany. The new version is expected in the Apple and Google app stores on Monday afternoon.
