Live: Hamburg toughened crown rules, including curfew | – Nachrichten – Hamburg


Status: October 16, 2020 4:18 pm

As of Saturday, there is a curfew and a ban on the sale of alcohol in Hamburg restaurants between 11 pm and 5 am Only 15 people are allowed at private parties. The mask is mandatory in secondary schools and vocational schools.

Due to the growing corona number, all restaurants in Hamburg must close at 11pm on Saturday. The Senate announced on Friday that the curfew is valid until 5 am During this period there was also a blanket ban on the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.

The Hamburg Senate will provide information on the details of the tightening of the rules at a press conference starting at 4.30 pm. Follow the press conference live right now.

Live: Senate reports on tightening of crown rules

Restrictions also for private parties

The number of participants in private parties will also be further restricted. As of Saturday, only a maximum of 15 people are allowed inside their own apartment. So far, the number has been 25. Outside your own home, only meetings with up to 25 people are allowed. In addition, it is recommended to reduce physical contact to the minimum absolutely necessary and to observe proper hygiene measures, he said.

Outdoor events with only 100 participants

Events without fixed seating are only allowed outdoors with up to 100 participants. In closed rooms there can be a maximum of 50 people. If alcohol is served during the event, the number of participants allowed is cut in half.

VIDEO: Curfew: Hamburg tightens crown rules (1 min)

Mask requirement in high school and vocational schools

In addition, the mask requirement will be expanded: pupils from vocational schools, as well as from the upper levels of general schools, will have to wear face-to-face masks in class starting next week. Additionally, classrooms at all schools must be ventilated every 20 minutes after fall break, the Senate said.


Peter Tschentscher, the first mayor of Hamburg, in an interview in Berlin.  © NDR Photo: Screenshot

8 min

The first mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), on the Crown summit in Berlin and the consequences for Hamburg. 8 min

Reviews of the gastronomic association

The president of the Dehoga industry association in Hamburg, Franz Klein, called on the Senate on Friday to remove both the accommodation ban and the curfew for restaurants. For him, neither one nor the other is an adequate means to contain the pandemic, but it sinks an entire industry in crisis. Most of the owners adhered to all the guidelines very carefully.

Hamburg continues with accommodation ban

the The accommodation ban will remain in Hamburg for the time being; on Friday there was an urgent decision of the administrative court. However it also finds Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) does this well. However, it insists on uniformity in all federal states. This is also what the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce requires. Several federal states had overturned the ban in recent days, or it was overturned by the courts.

Hamburg is approaching the limit

In reality, a hardening was only expected if the limit value was exceeded, which is set at 100,000 inhabitants per week for 50 infections. Hamburg surpassed the first critical value a good week ago: with 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. On Friday, after a correction, the value was 42.2 and therefore not far from the limit of 50 new infections.

Contagions also in the workplace

However, it is not just parties and celebrations now that are the problem, but also the workplace. The Hamburg health authorities make this observation. So once again there is an urgent call to stay home if you feel bad.

Clinical staff must be tested faster

To keep the virus out of hospitals and nursing homes as much as possible, staff should be tested regularly as soon as possible. These tests are part of a new national strategy in which the new rapid tests will also be used as soon as possible.

VIDEO: Corona rapid tests for nursing homes and hospitals soon? (3 min)

Additional Information

Visualization: coronavirus.  © Picture Alliance / 360-Berlin

The Hamburg Senate has corrected the current number of registered corona infections. The so-called incidence value is 42.2. plus

Hamburg's first mayor Peter Tschentscher speaks at a press conference.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Kay Nietfeld

The first mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), on the Crown summit in Berlin and the consequences for Hamburg. plus

Letters from a hotel near Hamburg central station.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Jonas Klüter

Tourists from Cologne had complained. The administrative court believes that public health is more important than holidays. plus

A woman puts on a protective mask.  © photocase Photo: kastoimages

In Hamburg, new measures are being relaxed to contain the corona pandemic, for example, prostitution is allowed again under certain conditions. However, the fine increases for those who refuse to wear masks. plus

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 current | 16.10.2020 | 15:00

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