Rising Crown Numbers: Braun Calls for “Immediate Caution”


For the second day in a row, the RKI reported a record for new corona infections: 7334. The federal government expects a further increase. The head of the Chancellery, Braun, asks everyone to act quickly.

In light of Corona’s new record numbers, Foreign Ministry Chief Helge Braun has called for a significantly greater effort to contain the pandemic. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 7334 new infections in one day, the highest value in Germany to date.

The number of new infections is increasing “actually everywhere,” said Braun of the RTL / ntv transmission group. “And increasing numbers mean: we are not doing enough right now to keep the infection under control.”

The situation is much more serious than in spring. The dynamics are very high. “Four days ago we had 4000, then 5000, 6000, now more than 7000 cases. That shows that we are just at the beginning of a really big second wave.” This must be stopped. Increasing numbers were not related to increased testability. They had a similar number of tests in the summer, but infection numbers of less than 1,000.

The government expects a higher increase

The federal government assumes an additional increase. “We do not expect the numbers to decrease tomorrow, but they will continue to increase,” Braun said. The situation is currently “significantly more dire” than during the first Corona wave in spring. How high the numbers will rise now depends on the action taken.

Local and state politicians have to react early. The motto is “be careful immediately”. If the number of infections increased significantly in a district, immediate action should be taken, before the incidence value exceeded the threshold of 50 new infections in seven days per 100,000 inhabitants. There is currently no need for a lockdown, said the CDU politician. However, it is clear that free time is the driver of infection in the broadest sense: “party on top, then travel”.

Second consecutive record

With 6,638 new corona infections, Thursday was the highest value since the start of the pandemic. Last week, the RKI reported 4,516 new infections on Friday.

There is also a clear increase in the number of Covid 19 patients treated in intensive care. According to the RKI status report, 655 corona-infected people were treated in intensive care yesterday, 329 of them were ventilated.

One week earlier (October 8) the value was 487 (239 ventilated), the previous week (October 1) it was 362 (193 ventilated). Around 8,700 intensive care beds are still available in Germany.

The value of R increases to 1.08

According to the RKI, at least 348,557 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis. Therefore, the number of deaths related to a corona infection is 9734. That was 24 more than the day before. According to RKI estimates, around 287,600 have been recovered.

The number of views, or R-value for short, was 1.08 based on RKI estimates in Germany based on yesterday’s management report (previous day: 1.04). This means that an infected person infects another person on average. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

Additionally, the RKI gives a seven-day R call in its current status report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to this estimate, this value was 1.22 (previous day: 1.16). It shows the infection process for eight to 16 days.

There is no reason to buy hamsters

Many supermarkets are once again looking at hamster purchases, as they did in the spring. There is no reason to do so, explained Braun. “The retail supply is guaranteed.” In this sense, the normal shopping behavior in the supermarket is completely fine. “Nobody has to worry about that.”

According to RKI president Lothar Wieler, another lockdown can be avoided “if everyone takes responsibility.” “We definitely know more about the virus and we have better remedies for it, hospitals and doctors are better prepared, nursing homes are more sensitive,” Wieler said.

RKI boss: negative test is “no carte blanche”

Regarding vaccines, he cautioned against excessive optimism. The probability of finding a vaccine is much higher than with AIDS, for example. It’s more about the question, “What can the vaccine do? Does it reduce viral load or prevent disease? Plus, there’s the question of possible side effects.” That should “be taken into account with all legitimate optimism,” the RKI chief said.

Wieler stressed that corona tests “have no carte blanche.” “People can still become infected undetectable or they can become infected shortly after testing.” Therefore, immediately after a test, “AHA + L rules” should be observed: keep your distance, follow hygiene rules, wear masks and ventilation every day.
