Söder: accommodation ban in Bavaria expires – Bavaria


The controversial regulation expires this Friday, announced the State Chancellery. However, they will be reused if necessary in the fight against the pandemic.

The controversial accommodation ban for travelers from Corona hotspots expires in Bavaria this Friday. The state government gave up an extension of the rule, “we left it at that,” State Chancellor Florian Herrmann (CSU) told the German press agency on Friday. As justification, Herrmann said they are counting on states to implement the resolutions of this week’s federal-state agreement.

Herrmann stressed that the accommodation ban would remain in the “toolbox” for fighting the pandemic. If necessary, it can be reused. However, this is less relevant today because the holidays are over in many regions particularly affected by the pandemic.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder had previously distanced himself from the accommodation ban. Restrictions for travelers from areas with a particularly high number of infections “are not in fact the important thing in the fight against the epidemic. That will now also be exhausted little by little,” the head of CSU said Thursday night in the ZDF program “Markus Lanz”. . This is also due to the fact that the courts partially take advantage of the bans. Söder said Thursday night overlooking Bavaria: “It will also be our case that we let it run out piece by piece.” The prerequisite is that people adhere to the new and more stringent contact restrictions.

At its meeting on Thursday, the Bavarian government decided that the accommodation ban for travelers from Corona hotspots should remain in effect until further notice. But it should be checked regularly until after the fall break. Until now, tourists from areas with particularly high corona numbers have only been allowed into a hotel if they can present a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old.

The accommodation ban was the most controversial during prime ministers’ deliberations at the Chancellery on Wednesday, states like North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia not even implementing it. The federal and state governments did not reach an agreement and postponed the issue until November 8. On Thursday, the courts of Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony overturned the respective bans. Saxony and Saarland canceled the rule. On the other hand, the Higher Administrative Court of Schleswig-Holstein rejected an urgent request against the accommodation ban in the state on Thursday evening.
