Trump and Biden in question time in competition


The corona virus confused plans for a joint television matchup. Now President Trump and his rival Joe Biden have shown themselves in competitive formats. An overview.

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US President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden appeared at the same time in television question-and-answer sessions with voters. The events also addressed the coronavirus crisis in the US Both presidential candidates approach the issue very differently.

Biden called for national action against the corona virus and the use of masks. With the masks, another lockdown could be avoided, Biden said Thursday night (local time) on ABC Question Time. US President Donald Trump is a role model, Biden said. If the president doesn’t wear a mask or makes fun of the people who wear them, people would conclude that it doesn’t matter.

Trump does not provide information on the last negative test before the disease

Trump was holding a poll question time with voters in Miami, Florida, hosted by NBC at the same time. He reiterated his false statement that according to the CDC, 85 percent of people who wear a mask will become infected with the virus. In fact, according to CDC research, 85 percent of a group of people infected with coronavirus said in July that they had worn a mask often or always in the previous 14 days. Trump defended his actions against the corona pandemic: “We are winners.”

Trump did not provide any information on when he last tested negative for the corona virus before his Covid illness. “I don’t even remember it,” Trump said. It is constantly being tested. The question of the last negative test result is relevant because it says in the room if it is possible that Trump was still conducting events when he already knew he was infected.

President does not distance himself from conspiracy theorists

Moderator Savannah Guthrie also addressed the Republican about QAnon’s theory that Democrats are “a satanic pedophile ring” and that he is the “savior.” Guthrie asked, “Now can you find out once and for all that this is not absolutely true?” QAnon has continued to gain popularity in the United States in recent months. “I don’t know anything about QAnon,” Trump said. “Let me tell you that what I heard is that you are very against pedophilia and I agree with that.”

In the general election, to be held in conjunction with the presidential election, there are several Republican candidates in the race who have shown sympathy for QAnon’s ideas. Trump also repeatedly distributed content from QAnon supporters on Twitter. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube have recently hardened their actions against QAnon.

However, Trump distanced himself from right-wing extremists. At the same time, he also harshly attacked the left and Antifa. He had condemned right-wing extremists “for years,” Trump said when the presenter asked. Trump stressed that he also condemned Antifa and “these leftist people who are burning our cities.” Republican Trump slammed his Democratic challenger Joe Biden for not asking him if he condemned Antifa on NBC question time last week.

Trump was criticized after the first television debate with Biden in late September for refusing to clearly condemn right-wing extremists and right-wing armed groups.

Biden: I will never express myself racist

Meanwhile, Biden has urged people to be treated equally. “We are a diverse country. As long as we cannot treat people equally, we can never reach our potential,” said the Democrat. If he is elected president, he will never be racist or divisive. Will try to get one.

Moderator George Stephanopoulos asked Biden what defeat would tell him about what America was like today. “Well, it could mean I was a lousy candidate and didn’t do a good job,” Biden said. He doesn’t expect that to mean that people disagree with each other on ethnic and religious issues like the President of the United States, Donald Trump, wants them to be.

Trump comments on his finances

Trump also spoke about questions about his financial records. You have debts that are more than offset by your fortune. “It’s a small percentage of my net worth,” Trump said. Trump appeared to confirm the roughly $ 421 million personal debt recently reported by the New York Times. At first he did not want to commit to the moderator’s request, but then he spoke of “400 million dollars” himself.

This debt is a small thing, Trump said. When asked if he was on the chalk with foreign organizations, he said, “Not that I know of.” You don’t owe money to any “dark people.”

Trump again justified the non-publication of his tax returns with the fact that the tax authorities reviewed his books. He promised, as he had for years, that he would be “very happy” to release the tax returns as soon as this review was completed. Presidential candidates generally publish their tax returns during the election campaign. Republican Trump has long resisted attempts by Democrats to gain access.

Biden: I’m not a “fan” of the expansion of the Supreme Court

Another important issue in the election campaign is the vacancy of the recently deceased Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the United States Supreme Court. During his appearance, Biden did not rule out that an expansion of the Supreme Court justice positions might be an option for him. “I wasn’t a fan of field expansion,” and he wasn’t today, Biden said Thursday night (local time) during a voter question time on ABC. But he’s open to considering it if Republicans move forward with filling a vacant judge seat before the Nov.3 election.

The Supreme Court of the United States has nine titular justices. Following the death of the liberal judge, Republicans in the US Senate push for the confirmation of conservative candidate Amy Coney Barrett. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, had proposed her as a successor. Barrett is expected to be confirmed before the election, much to the chagrin of Democrats, who had demanded that the winner decide on the replacement. In the dispute over the occupation, some Democrats came up with the idea of ​​reducing the Conservative majority by expanding the court by two or four seats. Biden had been asked several times about his position on this idea, but declined to comment.

The last television duel should take place on October 22

Candidates should be interviewed in a joint television debate. Plans for the second duel before the November 3 election were mixed up after Trump was infected with the corona virus. Trump had declined to hold the debate online for security reasons. Biden then announced his own television event, Trump did the same.

The last television debate is scheduled for October 22 as a direct meeting before the elections. Trump has already spoken out against the regulatory changes in the concept of television duels, which the organizers had announced as a result of the chaos in the first debate. The first debate between the two at the end of September had turned into chaos.
