Corona Accommodation Ban: What Applies to Travelers by State


Germany New crown rules

What now applies to travelers in individual federal states

| Reading time: 4 minutes

“The accommodation ban does not serve to combat the pandemic”

The already controversial accommodation ban was overturned by courts in two federal states. Will the curfew soon threaten the same fate? In an interview with WELT, the constitutional lawyer Prof. Volker Boehme-Neßler explains the legal situation.

The new corona restrictions for travelers from risk areas differ by federal state. In one you can spend the night without problems, in the other there is a prohibition of accommodation. An overview.

WITHTo contain the corona virus, the federal and state governments have decided to impose restrictions on travelers from areas with particularly high corona numbers. These may differ from state to state. One thing is clear: private visits are allowed, even if the travelers come from a risk zone. Where do the crown rules apply now for tourists in Germany?

Baden-Württemberg: In Baden-Württemberg, there are no entry bans or quarantine requirements for travelers from risk areas in the interior of Germany. The administrative court of Baden-Württemberg suspended further accommodation bans with immediate effect on Thursday. Previously, travelers from risky areas within Germany were only allowed to stay overnight in pensions and hotels if they had a negative corona test that was no more than 48 hours old.

Bayern: There is no entry ban. The Bavarian Ministry of Health regularly publishes a list of cities and districts whose residents cannot stay. An exception applies to those who can submit a negative corona test that is not older than 48 hours; the smear cannot be longer before arrival.

Sedan: There are no entry restrictions. The Senate has yet to pass an accommodation ban.

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Instead of a smear: a saline solution that is gargled, spit out, and will be administered for examination.

Brandenburg: If you plan to drive to Brandenburg from the Corona hotspots, you can go on excursions or go shopping. Overnight stays are not allowed, unless a negative corona test is presented, which must be no more than 48 hours before departure, or in the case of professional or medically necessary mandatory travel.

Bremen: In Bremen, there is no entry ban, no quarantine obligation, and no accommodation ban for travelers from high-risk areas in the interior of Germany.

Hamburg: There is no entry ban for people from domestic risk areas. Overnight guests must confirm in writing that they have not stayed in one in the previous 14 days. If so, you can spend the night with a negative test result that cannot be older than 48 hours.

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Hessen: There is no entry ban, but there is an accommodation ban for travelers from risk areas. Anyone who can prove with a medical certificate that there is no indication of a corona infection can stay overnight.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: In addition to a current negative Corona test, Corona’s state ordinance still stipulates a 14-day quarantine immediately after entry. The crown test can have been carried out a maximum of 48 hours before entry. The responsible health department may reduce the waiting time if a second self-paid test is also negative after five to seven days.

Lower Saxony: Entry into Germany is not restricted. Daytime tourism is possible. There are no quarantine requirements for German risk areas. However, there is a ban on accommodation. If, for example, the focus of infection is clearly limited or travelers can present a negative corona test no older than 48 hours, so the time when the test result was determined is decisive, exceptions are possible . The affected areas are listed on the Internet.

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North Rhine-Westphalia: In NRW there are no restrictions and, at the moment, there is no accommodation ban for tourists from national risk areas.

Rhineland-Palatinate: In Rhineland-Palatinate, it was originally planned that there would be a lodging ban on October 13, but it was later stopped. In this sense, there are currently no restrictions.

Saar: In Saarland, there has been an accommodation ban for travelers from Corona’s risk areas since late June, unless they could present a negative, medically certified Corona test that is no more than two days old. This no longer applies: in the meantime, the Saarland government has lifted the accommodation ban.

Saxony: Until now, anyone coming from a risk zone had to be tested. As of Saturday, the restriction will no longer apply.

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Saxony-Anhalt: Entry is allowed. The accommodation of people from risk areas for tourist purposes is prohibited, unless the guest can present a certificate stating that there is no evidence of Covid 19 disease.

Schleswig-Holstein: There are no entry restrictions in Schleswig-Holstein. However, there is a ban on accommodation for commercial establishments. However, the accommodation options are limited. There is a possibility to test with a negative corona test. No more than 48 hours must have elapsed between issuance of the test result and entry. The regulation does not apply to business travelers, private visitors, and second home owners.

Thuringia: There are no entry restrictions or accommodation prohibitions for people from German risk areas.
