Summary: Crown measures in the federal states – politics


The number of corona infections in Germany is rising rapidly again: the federal and state governments reacted on Wednesday with a two-stage package of measures that is applied nationwide. However, additional rules sometimes apply in the federal states. Some rely on strict hosting bans, others don’t think about it and instead impose stricter contact restrictions. The result is a great mix of rules, prohibitions and measures. The overview of the 16 federal states:

Different federal state guidelines have caused a lot of confusion these days about whether travelers from risky areas in the interior of Germany can stay overnight or not. These so-called hosting bans are highly controversial because they are anything but uniform.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for example, the number of infections remains comparatively low. There, travelers from risk areas within Germany must first go into a two-week quarantine, even if they already have a negative corona test. Only with a second negative test can quarantine be shortened after a few days.

In Brandenburg On the other hand, if you are coming from a risky area, you may not be staying overnight, but a day trip is fine. Quite different in Sedan: The capital has so far waived all accommodation and entry bans. In Bayern Again, such a ban applies, but travelers from a Bavarian risk zone are excluded from it.

After all, countries agree on one thing: if you want to visit your grandparents on the weekend, you don’t have to bring a negative test. Visits to friends and family are exempt from the accommodation ban.

The rules for limiting the number of participants in events are equally confusing. Aside from the fact that federal state regulations differ on this point, different requirements also apply within a federal state, depending on whether an event takes place indoors or outdoors, with fixed seating, with or without. alcohol.

In addition, more and more rural districts and cities exceed the limit values ​​of 35 or even 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days, and as a result, they issue increasingly specific crown rules: large cities like Sedan, Frankfurt am Main, Munich or Bremen it also imposed a curfew, a stricter requirement for masks, and nightly bans on alcohol sales.

The hope of the majority of the population that the rules on accommodation bans would be more uniform across the country faded for the moment on Wednesday after major talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the 16 ministers of state. It was agreed that measures should be toughened from the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. In the future, stricter contact restrictions and a curfew will apply from 11pm at all access points; an extended mask requirement should already apply at the threshold of 35.

However, there was no joint decision on accommodation bans, which, incidentally, not half the population supports. On Thursday, the courts suspended accommodation bans in Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony in an urgent procedure with immediate effect. The Saxon government also announced that it would lift the ban again this weekend..

The confusion of ordinances and general decrees is unlikely to change very quickly. Distance, hygiene and masks are now integrated into the daily crown; In the future, regular checkups could also be part of the new normal.
