Risk areas in Germany: all the new rules for corona hotspots


After lengthy negotiations, the federal and state governments have decided on new crown measures. There was no agreement on an important point.

  • The new corona restrictions mainly affect regions where the so-called seven-day incidence is high
  • Among other things, it was decided to ban alcohol, a curfew and an extended mask requirement.
  • We will show you which resolutions were passed and which rules apply to German risk areas

The number of infections in Germany is increasing rapidly. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had therefore asked the heads of government of the federal states to come to Berlin on Wednesday to discuss new measures against the corona pandemic.

After tough negotiations, the federal and state governments were able to agree on a catalog of measures: uniform rules have been issued for all German risk areas. In addition, they are already attacking a 7-day incidence of 35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The measures include a curfew, an alcohol ban and an expansion of the mask requirement.

Crown – More information on the topic

Merkel, the stricter rules don’t really go far enough. “What we are doing here is simply not enough,” said the CDU politician, according to the consensus of the participants during the meeting in Berlin. Read here:
Corona Summit: this was the press conference with Merkel

Even after the meeting, the Chancellor expressed concern about the situation in Germany: “We have to exponential increase stop, otherwise it won’t end well. “ Read also:
Risk areas in Germany – these are all corona hotspots

New corona rules for hotspots – these measures have been decided

However, in the end, Merkel managed to prevail on many points:

  • In the future, an expanded Mask requirement Be valid.
  • It should also be a Curfew for gastronomy and new restrictions for contacts.
  • However, the federal and state governments are not on a uniform course toward Accommodation bans for vacationers in high-risk areas in the interior of Germany. This controversial measure must continue until November 8 and then be discussed again.

Crown – More on the topic

Federal and state governments agree to stricter crown rules – these rules now apply

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Crown conference with Merkel: fighting loss of control

1. Mask and gastronomy requirement

  • Mask requirement: In cities and regions with rapidly increasing crown numbers, the mask requirement will be expanded. No later than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, a mask requirement should be applied in public areas where people gather closer or longer.
  • Curfew: From an incidence value of 50, a mandatory curfew must be applied at 11 pm for restaurants. This also includes a “general prohibition of the consumption of alcohol”. Bars and clubs will be closed. If the incidence value is greater than 35, these measures are not mandatory, but they are recommended.

2. Contact restrictions

  • Private celebrations: All citizens must carefully weigh whether a private celebration is necessary and justifiable. In regions with a value of more than 35 new infections, there should be a limit of 15 participants in private rooms. Of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, private celebrations should be held a maximum of ten participants limited to a maximum of two homes in private space.
  • In public space: Restrictions also apply in public spaces. In regions with a value of more than 35 new infections, a limit of 25 participants should apply. Out of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, a maximum of ten participants should be allowed to gather. If the new measures do not stop the increase, it will be reduced to five people or the members of two households.

Read the comment on this:
Crown measurements are useless if you are careless

3. Economy

  • Corona Help: The federal government wants to improve aid measures for industries particularly affected by the corona pandemic. The planned restrictions in view of the increasing number of infections would mean that some economic sectors would have to accept considerable restrictions on their business operations in the coming months. Therefore, the federal government “will extend aid measures to companies and improve conditions for the main economic sectors affected,” he says.

4. Bundeswehr

  • Support from health authorities: The Bundeswehr will offer the health authorities the help of up to 5,000 soldiers to follow up contacts “and will support them with up to 15,000” personnel in a few weeks. Also interesting:

5. Travel in Germany and abroad

  • Accommodation prohibition: Most of the federal states had decided last Wednesday that the citizens of Hot spots When traveling within Germany, they can only be accommodated if they can present a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old. These accommodation bans were the most controversial before the deliberations. The federal and state governments also did not reach an agreement in the Foreign Ministry and postponed the issue until November 8. Until then, the effectiveness of this measure must be verified.

6. Schools and exams

  • Schools and nurseries: There were no concrete resolutions. However, Merkel had repeatedly emphasized that maintaining daycare and school operations was a top priority.
  • Test strategy: The new Regulation of the corona test goes into effect this Thursday. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) said in Berlin on Wednesday that he had signed the regulation that morning. Corona testing will focus more on risk groups and the health care system in the future, less on those returning to travel. Among other things, there are plans for nursing homes and hospitals to make generous use of “rapid antigen tests” so that visitors, staff and patients can be tested regularly.

(fmg / dpa / afp / san / bml)

Corona pandemic – more on the subject
