BR24Live: Is Bavaria tightening the crown’s rules?


After the federal and state governments were only able to reach partial agreement on the additional anti-crown procedure on Wednesday, the Bavarian cabinet is discussing the consequences of the decisions made today for the Free State. Starting at 12 noon, the Council of Ministers around Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) will meet for a virtual meeting. At 2 pm Söder wants to report on the results of the consultations.

BR24 will report live starting at 1:50 pm and will broadcast the press conference.

Söder wants to “sharpen”

Now it’s a matter of fine-tuning some points and solidifying the decisions made, Söder said on Wednesday night after the roughly eight-hour federal-state consultations in Berlin. Among other things, prime ministers agreed to impose comparable nationwide restrictions within a week from the warning value of 35 new infections per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence), for example, an expanded mask requirement in public spaces , as well as restrictions on private celebrations.

There is no direct need for change in Bavaria in meetings in public spaces. Because the upper limit agreed on Wednesday of a maximum of ten people with an incidence value greater than 50 already applies in the Free State. According to the Bavarian state government, announced personal support from health authorities for contact tracking is already on the way. On Tuesday, the cabinet decided to support local health authorities with a total of 2,000 employees, including police candidates.

Accommodation ban until at least November 8

The decision on the controversial accommodation ban for travelers from Corona risk areas who do not have a current negative Corona test was postponed by the Prime Minister. They don’t want to agree on this until November 8, after the autumn holidays in Bavaria. The Free Voters, as partners in the CSU coalition, also criticize the housing ban. So far, it has been in effect in the Free State until Friday inclusive, including the controversial feature that the accommodation ban for travelers within Bavaria has yet to be enforced.

Meanwhile, Söder was very worried after the meeting in Berlin. “Actually, we are much closer to the second block than we would like to admit,” he warned. And with a view to the national situation, he said that an important step had been taken. “But in my opinion, it’s open if that’s enough,” Söder emphasized; You will only see it in ten days or two weeks.
