Michael Meyer-Hermann instead of Drosten: Who is Merkel’s Crown Advisor?


Germany In a crisis summit at the Chancellery

Instead of Drosten, this time this expert was Merkel’s Crown advisor

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That’s what people think of Corona’s new rules

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Everyone who follows the developments of the crown in Germany now knows the names of Christian Drosten and Lothar Wieler. Another expert was present at Wednesday’s deliberations at the Chancellery, urgently warned Merkel and company.

reThis time it was not the virologist Christian Drosten whom Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) called as an advisor for the future policy of the German crown. No, researcher Michael Meyer-Hermann of the Braunschweig Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, previously unknown to the general public, advised Merkel and the Prime Ministers in their hour-long debates. The modeling created by Meyer-Hermann is of great concern.

At the beginning of the more than eight-hour consultations with the Prime Minister, Merkel had Meyer-Hermann present a simulation of the phase in which Germany is in the crown pandemic, that is, in the area of ​​exponential growth. “I think it was quite plausible and also useful,” Merkel said.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) adopted a statement Meyer-Hermann is said to have made at his conference: Consequently, it is not five to twelve, but already twelve.

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According to the participants, Meyer-Hermann said at the beginning of the meeting at the Chancellery that Germany is on the cusp of exponential growth. He called on the country’s leaders and Chancellor Merkel to adhere to the mask requirement, fines are also very significant, participants said.

At the same time, in the current situation, he warned against discussions of important events and a shortening of the quarantine period. To be clearer, the scientist showed a simulation of how the infection process would unfold if politicians did not take countermeasures now.

Professor Dr. Michael Meyer-Hermann, Head of the Department of Systems Immunology at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig

Professor Dr. Michael Meyer-Hermann, Head of the Department of Systems Immunology at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig

Source: pa / Eventpress / Eventpress Stauffenberg

While the name of Christian Drosten or the name of the president of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, are now known to the general public, Meyer-Hermann has so far only appeared in public occasionally.

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As on Wednesday at the Chancellery, he warned of the dangers of the corona pandemic in recent months and spoke out in favor of consistent restrictions. Meyer-Hermann published a study with the Munich Ifo Institute in the spring in which it refused to relax restrictions at the time due to long-term economic disadvantage.

Meyer-Hermann, born in 1967, is a highly educated scientist. He studied physics, mathematics, and philosophy in Frankfurt am Main and Paris, and at age 30 he did his doctorate in theoretical physics. In Dresden, Frankfurt am Main and Oxford, UK, he worked in neurobiology and immunology; Following the chairs in Jena and Braunschweig, Meyer-Herrmann has headed the department of system immunology at the Helmholtz Center in Braunschweig since 2010.

Meyer-Hermann, a “frontier science worker”

The Helmholtz Meyer-Hermann Institute describes him as a “frontier worker in science.” In pure science, therefore, the reference to real people’s problems was lost, so the scientist, who was married to artist Anna Laclaque, set about predicting the course of the corona pandemic using mathematical models.

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The models try to map the developments after exactly the day. Merkel did not say what exactly Meyer-Hermann predicted developments for which of the next few days, but the chancellor made no secret of leaving the meeting concerned. The exponential increase in the number of infections determined by Meyer-Hermann must be stopped: “Otherwise, it will not end well,” Merkel said.
