Racism, swastikas, Holocaust denial: Berlin police students shared extremist content in group chat – Berlin


Racism, swastikas, Holocaust denial: a chat group appeared again at the Berlin police, in which “inhuman messages” were exchanged. Police announced Wednesday.

26 new students must belong to the group. Against seven, the Public Ministry initiated an investigation, among other things, on suspicion of sedition and use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations. You are completing a title for senior police service. A suspect is charged with distributing animal pornography by mail.

Originally, the group only served to “exchange general information,” police said. But, what else was the subject of the conversation? The prosecutor reported in the afternoon: The defendants were accused of sending one or more messages, the so-called memes, with inhuman content.

Some of them were “directed against asylum seekers in a racist or contemptuous manner,” the prosecutor said. Swastikas were also sent. Others are said to have downplayed the genocide of the Jews.

According to the report, a police officer reported the events. For this reason, searches were made on Wednesday and smartphones were seized, which must now be evaluated. Police state security is investigating the matter.

According to the Police, disciplinary proceedings have also been initiated, which must be suspended for the time being due to the priority criminal investigation. However, other legal measures are already being examined, according to the communication.

A far-right chat group recently made itself known

The group must not be the chat group with far-right content that was made public by a police notice to ARD “Monitor” magazine. Two weeks ago, an investigation by ARD magazine published a first group chat of 25 Berlin police officers in which officers regularly made racist comments. Often in the form of alleged jokes, the report says. Colleagues often commented on the statements approvingly. Finally, two officials addressed the ARD.

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The Berlin police then contacted the editorial team of “Monitor” to clarify the matter. However, editor-in-chief Georg Restle refused to pass on information or provide information about the magazine’s sources. Whistleblower protection is a valuable asset in journalism.
