Crete: murderous Dresden investigator sentenced to life in prison


In Crete, a 28-year-old man was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Dresden researcher Max Planck, Suzanne Eaton. The court in the Cretan coastal city of Rethymno found it proven that the defendant raped and killed the American biologist, who was 59 years old at the time of the crime, in the summer of 2019. The court did not accept the extenuating circumstances raised by the defense.

The condemned man had claimed during the trial that it was an accident and had always denied the rape, reported the Greek newspaper “To Proto Thema”. He made his original statements under pressure from the police.

A police officer testified in court that the 28-year-old had initially denied everything, but confessed after six hours of questioning. He testified that he acted on the orders of demons that had taken possession of him.

The hikers had found the woman’s body in a grotto near the town of Maleme. The aggressor – son of a priest, married, two children – had admitted to hitting the biologist twice with his car. According to the Greek media, the then 27-year-old raped the woman and threw the body into a well that was used as a bunker during World War II. Eaton died of suffocation, according to a coroner.

“World-class” biologist

The Oakland (California / USA) biologist arrived at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden in 2000. With his team, he used fruit flies to study how cells communicate with each other. yes to form tissues of a certain size and shape. As a professor at the TU Dresden Center for Biotechnology, she was also critical to the university’s success in the Excellence Initiative.

The mother of two children was the victim of the crime on July 2, 2019 on the sidelines of a meeting of experts on the Greek island of Crete. An attorney for the accessory prosecution described Eaton as a “world-class” biologist who could have made a significant contribution in the fight against the current corona pandemic. Vasso Pantazi said before the hearing that he hopes that the relatives of the dead will receive a fair punishment for the alleged perpetrator.

Icon: The mirror
