News: Corona Crisis, Angela Merkel, Michael Kretschmer, EU, US Elections, Virginia


Meeting point at the Chancellery

Long time not see you! Meets for the first time since June Angela Merkel today with him 16 heads of government of the federal states Really at the Chancellery, rather than virtually at the office. For him possibly “historical dimension” of the debate If the Chancellor makes an appointment to be present, her Minister of Chancery has Helge Braun Let countries know.

Now Braun is not only a trained doctor, but also a Gießen-born Hesse. And Hessians, believe me, generally don’t tend to shine with rhetoric and pathos, especially not north of the Ahle-Wurscht equator.

The historical dimension of Braun, so we can expect it. From the perspective of the Chancellery, the drastically increasing number of infections clearly requires a counter-message, a signal. Just as Merkel once put a turn signal on television in March (“It’s serious”), so could the meeting with the Prime Minister now. new unit and, above all, unit in the fight against the virus symbolize.

He will be successful? The little ones and little ones and the ups and downs among prime ministers over the accommodation ban in recent days has probably confused people more than the fact that national holiday bans have decisively reduced the number of infections. What’s more, this sensible little step jeopardizes acceptance of the Corona rules as a whole. Perhaps the ban will still be abolished today, or it is believed to be abolished, that is, politically modified.

If not?

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder already presented yesterday how people traditionally like to do this south of the equator for the white sausage. He demands “uniform and understandable crown rules” for all of Germany. The demand of the head of CSU: “More mask, less party, less alcohol”.

The prime minister of the CDU of Saxony contradicts this Michael Kretschmer in the SPIEGEL interviewthat appears this morning. Here for you already Kretschmer’s central phrases in advance:

  • “We don’t need new rules. We want to strengthen the ones we have and enforce them decisively.”

  • “It is important to act with an incidence of 35. This includes, for example, fewer participants in family celebrations, because according to current knowledge that is the place for most broadcasts.”

  • “Accommodation bans are a major cut in people’s personal freedom. The hotel and catering industries are not the main drivers of the infection, but private parties and people returning from abroad. Accommodation bans may already be are not provided “.

  • “I think after Easter we got through the worst. We have to hold out for so long.”

These guys

The fact that, in addition to big celebrations like weddings, the younger generations in particular are the drivers of the current infection rate, can be learned from the party districts of Berlin Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Neukölln. This is where the youngest population of the city lives and it is where the biggest party takes place. In the days of Corona, of course, also illegal.

Do young people between 20 and 30 years old who have it with Take self-reflection so carefully, about Common sense lost? Elbows out, individualism in, me first?

The other day I came across the sentence of a 26-year-old raver at the “Tagesspiegel”, who had participated in illegal parties in Berlin’s Hasenheide. She said: “For me, Raven has always been a form of self-care, of mental cleaning. “ She couldn’t do without that.

Self-care: the term got stuck.

But at the same time there are those representatives of generations Y and Z who pursue the great common goal: Saving the planet. More solidarity is hardly possible.

So it is not that easy with the judgment across generations. Each generation probably has its own challenge, its test of character. For some it is easier because perhaps due to time there is not so much to test characters. The crown crisis, on the other hand, is a difficult test.

And perhaps those for whom self-care takes precedence over common sense in this crisis simply need to be treated more consistently.

Looking ahead to today’s meeting, government circles said: The seriousness of the situation must be clearly communicated to the people, because only then can behavior change. Therefore, not only the mortality rate must be considered, but also the consequential damage. And if rules are made, ignoring them must also have consequences. Ideally at the national level.

Billionaire Poker in Europe

In Brussels today it is about hundreds of billions, or more precisely: 1.8 trillion euros. They had the incredibly large sum Heads of State and Government of the EU Greeted in summer, this includes the multi-year budget of the international community 750 billion euros for the Corona recovery plan.

But the money has not yet flowed, my Brussels colleagues write today. Markus becker Y Peter Müller: Because the European Parliament has to approve most of the projects. In particular, southern European countries, which have been hit hard by the crisis, are waiting for help.

The next informal round of negotiations with MPs is scheduled for this Wednesday. And it doesn’t look good.

With a view to passage, the rule of law mechanism agreed to in the package is critical to many. The EU really wants to cut money from governments that are undermining the rule of law in their own country. That goes against Viktor Orbán and company.

However, this should require a particularly high majority (“qualified majority”), that’s what the heads of state and government proposed in the summer after Orbán pressed him. On the contrary, as originally planned, it would be fairer: if you want to avoid penalties, you need a large majority. Many parliamentarians would like to go back to this regulation.

It probably won’t. And the money will flow anyway. Why should southern Europeans also pay for Orbán’s sins? The EU Parliament will be humiliated again in the end.

But maybe everything will be different.

Loser of the day …

…They are Potential voters in the US East Coast state. Virginia. On Tuesday, the registration period for the presidential elections on November 3 expired. And on the last day of all things happened what happens so often in America: something breaks.

This time it was an internet cable. For a good six hours, no one was able to log into the website of the “Virginia Department of Elections” register more about voting. Four years ago, before the last presidential election, the website also crashed due to overload.
