Mediterranean gas dispute: Maas harshly criticizes Turkey


Foreign Minister Maas has been trying to mediate the gas dispute with Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean for weeks, without success. At the beginning of his visit to Cyprus and Greece, he made clear words in the direction of Ankara.

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has harshly criticized NATO partner Turkey for its approach to the gas dispute in the eastern Mediterranean. During his visit to the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia, Maas called on the Ankara government to refrain from provoking provocations towards Greece and Cyprus.

Maas noted that the EU had set Turkey as a mid-December deadline to start trusting its western neighbors. So far, Ankara has done nothing in this direction. “The half-life of the commitments should exceed two days,” he added, referring to Turkey’s previous commitments to reduce escalation.

US demands an end to Turkish provocations

The US State Department also warned of an escalation. “Pressure, threats, intimidation and military activity do not resolve the tensions in the eastern Mediterranean,” said a spokeswoman in Washington. “We call on Turkey to stop these calculated provocations and start exploratory talks with Greece immediately.”

Maas promises “full solidarity” with Cyprus and Greece

Even before his departure, Maas had warned Turkey about an escalation in the dispute: “Ankara must end the interaction between relaxation and provocation if the government is interested in the talks, as it has repeatedly stated,” he said in reference to the Shipment of a Turkish exploration ship.

The EU partners, Cyprus and Greece, have “full solidarity, also in our current role as Presidency of the Council of the EU”, underlined the SPD politician. It is clear that all parties must work in a reasonable neighborhood relationship. “We therefore call on Turkey not to reopen the window of dialogue that has just opened with Greece through unilateral measures.”

Maas urged Turkey not to resume gas exploration in the most controversial offshore areas. This would be “a major setback” for efforts to reduce and develop EU-Turkey relations.

No more trips to Turkey

After the meeting in Cyprus, Maas will fly to Athens, where talks with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will also address the dispute with Turkey.

However, there will be no subsequent visit to Turkey, which had already been reported by the Turkish and Greek media. “It is up to Turkey to create the conditions for the talks,” Maas said. He “made a conscious decision” to travel only to Cyprus and Greece and not to Turkey as originally intended.

“Orcus Reis” sent back to the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey sent its research vessel “Oruc Reis” to the controversial area south of the Greek island of Kastelorizo ​​on Monday, after there had been signs of detente in recent weeks. The “Oruc Reis” is now expected to remain in the area until October 20 for further seismic measurements. The Greek Foreign Ministry described the move as “a direct threat to peace and security in the region.”

Since the discovery of rich gas deposits in the region, there has been a heated dispute over their exploitation. Both Greece and Cyprus and Turkey, members of the EU, claim the maritime zones in question. Ankara and Athens have also made their position clear by sending warships. This has increased concern in the EU that the dispute could lead to a military conflict between NATO partners.

The dispute over gas is also a topic at EU summits

According to Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides, the dispute over gas will also be a topic at the EU summit on Thursday and Friday. In early October, the EU waived the sanctions requested by Cyprus and Greece against Turkey, but threatened a backlash in the event of new Turkish measures in the natural gas conflict.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 13, 2020 at 5:00 pm
