BR24Live: Is Bavaria tightening the crown’s rules?


At its meeting today, the Bavarian cabinet is primarily concerned with the situation of the crown in the Free State and its neighboring countries, but also throughout Germany. Because on Wednesday the prime ministers of the federal states want to discuss with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) how to proceed with the increase in the number of crown.

The president of the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences, Gerald Haug, is expected to attend the cabinet meeting in Munich. The institution is one of the most important advisers to the federal government in the pandemic. In addition, the Council of the Three for the Protection of Fundamental Rights of the State Government will participate in the discussion, an advisory body that must monitor and examine the restrictions on public life in the Crown crisis on behalf of the Free State.

Söder: stricter rules for everyone

It is eagerly awaited whether the cabinet will again tighten the crown’s restrictions on the Free State. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said yesterday on BR television that due to the increase in numbers, protective measures may have to be strengthened not only at critical points in the crown, but everywhere. What helps municipalities with too high numbers to lower them again could help prevent them from increasing in the first place. “Possibly that also means applying the same concepts to those who have even lower values ​​than we do now with those who have greater incidences.”

Söder announced that he will defend uniform “clearer rules for all” in the federal-state consultations on Wednesday, but also in Bavaria. In Bavarian cities and districts that have exceeded the limit of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days (incidence of seven days), tighter contact restrictions apply, lower participation limits for private meetings, longer stay hours and alcohol bans and, in some cases, a mask requirement for people in public places. Last week, the mayors of Germany’s largest cities and Chancellor Merkel agreed on a similar approach.

Does Bavaria follow the example of North Rhine-Westphalia?

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) announced that the crown’s restrictions would be tightened for his country on Sunday after a special cabinet meeting. In accordance with this, a maximum limit of 50 participants should apply nationwide for private celebrations in public spaces. The goal should be to keep schools and nurseries open, as well as the economy. “For that you have to make sacrifices in certain private celebrations,” Laschet emphasized. He also asked the federal states to agree to uniform measures.

Söder also insists on a uniform procedure at the national level, among other things with fines. In Bavaria, violations of the mask requirement can be charged with 250 euros. According to Söder, this should apply at the national level. Anyone who is unreasonable should expect a corresponding sanction. Because it is important to protect the sensible from the irrational.

Health authorities will be strengthened

The list of cities and districts in Germany that have exceeded the crown limit is getting longer and longer. Also in Bavaria, six municipalities have already exceeded the value of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days (incidence of seven days). In a dozen other cities and towns, the incidence is above the warning value of 35.

In an interview with BR editor-in-chief Christian Nitsche, Söder defended the limit value of 50 on Monday night. “If the numbers are much higher, the health authorities have no chance to trace it.” That is why the Bavarian cabinet will once again significantly strengthen the health authorities, the prime minister announced. Söder rejected criticism that politicians rely on the number of infections when deciding on protective measures. In his opinion, it would be dangerous, for example, to make the use of intensive care beds the benchmark: by the time hospital beds are full, “it is too late”.

Press conference on live broadcast

Following the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Söder will provide information on the most important results, together with Leopoldina’s president, Haug, and the president of the Council for the Protection of the Three Fundamental Rights, former Protestant regional bishop of Munich Susanne Breit- Keßler.

BR24 shows the 11.55am press conference here on a live stream. The head of the regional policy editorial team, Achim Wendler, will classify the decisions.

💡 What does seven-day incidence mean?

The seven-day incidence shows how many people in a city or county tested positive for the coronavirus during a seven-day period. For the value to be comparable, it is given for every 100,000 inhabitants. It is very easily calculated: the new infections reported daily during the previous seven days are added, the total is divided by the number of inhabitants of the city or district and multiplied by 100,000. In May, the federal and state governments established the seven-day incidence as a guide for local corona measures.

In Bavaria there is also an early warning value: of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, cities and municipalities should review measures to contain them. From the national limit of 50 new infections, relief should be withdrawn. (BR24)
