Crown: Söder – “The second block is approaching if there is no shaking”


Germany Before the peak of the crown crisis

“Second block is approaching if no shaking”

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Foreign Ministry awaits debate on “historical dimension”

The situation of the crown in Germany is reaching a critical point. The number of infections is increasing considerably, especially in large cities. Therefore, for the federal-state meeting, Chancellor Merkel should insist on the physical presence of all prime ministers.

Chancellor Merkel insists on holding the Prime Minister’s Conference tomorrow as a “physical presence format.” CSU chief Markus Söder calls for joint action and warns of a second shutdown.

secondAyern Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) warned of a second blockade in Germany. After a Bavarian cabinet meeting, he told a press conference in Munich on Tuesday afternoon that a shutdown was approaching if there were no shakes. The autumn coronavirus is no weaker than that of March and April. Therefore you need a “serious reaction”.

Söder said there were “extremely negative signs” in other European countries. The CSU chief mentioned Spain, France and the Czech Republic as examples. “We are in a very serious situation. He’s about to lose control, ”Söder said. “We have to slow down Corona before we have to do real emergency brakes.”

It was shortly before twelve. The pandemic is manageable, but only “if we do something.” Therefore, Söder demanded that the heads of government of the federal states agree on common and stricter rules at their meeting on Wednesday. Consideration should be given to what is best for all of Germany.

The prime ministers of the federal states come to Berlin this Wednesday for the first time in seven months to discuss the situation of the crown with Chancellor Angela Merkel. The conference will be held as a “physical presence format” at Merkel’s express request, “Bild” newspaper reported.

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A government spokesperson confirmed the meeting at the site at the request of dpa and announced that Merkel would then hold a press conference with the President of the Prime Minister’s Conference, Michael Müller (SPD, Berlin), and his deputy, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder.

The last meeting in place for the time being was on March 12, when it was decided to shut down social and economic life in Germany due to the Corona crisis.

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The “Bild” newspaper reported that the head of the chancellery, Helge Braun, justified the need for physical presence in a videoconference with the heads of the state chancellery with the dramatic infection situation in Germany. According to participants, Braun is quoted as saying in “Bild” that one should lead an open debate that could have “historical dimensions”.

“Setting the course to stay below 20,000 new infections”

Professor Gerald Haug, president of the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences, said Tuesday afternoon in Munich that the heads of government of the federal states are called to reach a “harmony”. At Wednesday’s summit “the course would be set as to whether we can stay below 20,000 new infections.” Haug referred to the number of confirmed positive tests per day in Germany. On Tuesday morning, the Robert Koch Institute reported 4122 new infections in one day.

At Wednesday’s meeting, it should also be about the controversial accommodation ban for travelers from Germany’s internal corona risk areas. In most federal states, the rule applies that people from regions with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 can only stay in a hotel within a week if they can show a current corona test with a negative result. This is often criticized for being disproportionate and the use of testing capabilities is also criticized.

According to the “Handelsblatt”, the state of Brandenburg rejects a relaxation of the ban on accommodation for tourists from risk areas of Corona. In view of the rapid increase in the number of new infections, every effort should be made to curb the spread of the virus, the newspaper quoted a spokeswoman for Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) as saying. Therefore, he recalled that since the end of June accommodation in Brandenburg was prohibited. This procedure was agreed at the time between the federal states.
