Crown in Germany: Schwesig over accommodation ban – politics


Union politicians have proposed an extension of the winter break as a protective measure against corona infections in the cold season. “We should think about extending the winter holidays by two or three weeks and shortening them accordingly in the summer,” said the head of the Hamburg CDU, Christoph Ploß. image-Newspaper. The goal must be to overcome the pandemic in the best possible way. His parliamentary group colleague Stephan Pilsinger (CSU) even suggested up to four more weeks of Christmas holidays with a corresponding reduction in the Easter and summer holidays. “The well-being of students and teachers must be in the foreground,” he justified his suggestion.

The prime ministers of the federal states could also discuss this issue with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday. Preventing school closings is one of the most important goals of Corona’s measures.

Teachers’ representatives and education politicians asked students and teachers on Monday to dress warmly after fall break. To avoid infection with Corona at school, it should be ventilated regularly at relatively short intervals. In spring, the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), spoke in favor of shorter summer holidays so that students can catch up on missed school hours.

Schwesig against the relaxation of the accommodation ban

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, knows the proposal of the Union politicians to extend the Christmas holidays. This would make children and parents unsafe, he said on Deutschlandfunk.

In the ARD “Morgenmagazin”, the SPD politician also spoke out against a relaxation of the ban on accommodation for tourists from risk areas in Corona. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will not participate in a softening at the Prime Minister’s Conference on Wednesday with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

His state has achieved great success with strict rules, Schwesig told Deutschlandfunk. “We need a clear and strict line. At a time when the numbers are increasing in Germany, it cannot be decreasing.” He wants to guarantee safe tourism. “It’s not about excluding people.” Rather, it is important to make greater demands on people in risk areas. Provisions are also needed in the risk areas themselves so that new infections are reduced again.

The SPD politician said: “We did well with our strict rules from the beginning in the Corona period. We have the lowest infection rates, although we have received three times more tourists than people in the country. That shows that our rules work well. “.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has comparatively strict rules for tourists. In addition to a current negative Corona test, Corona’s state ordinance still stipulates a 14-day quarantine immediately after entry.

More than 4,000 new infections

After a decline in numbers on Sunday and Monday, German health authorities reported more than 4,000 new corona infections in one day on Tuesday morning, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). According to the RKI, the total number is 4,122. On Thursday, the number of new infections, 4,058, surpassed the 4000 mark for the first time since April. There were even 4,721 new cases detected on Saturday. On Monday, 2,467 new corona infections were reported in one day. Experience has shown that the figures recorded on Sundays and Mondays are usually lower, also because not all health authorities transmit data to the RKI on weekends.

According to the RKI, more than 300,000 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis. Therefore, the number of deaths related to a corona infection was 9634. That was 13 more than the day before.

According to RKI estimates in Germany, according to Monday’s management report, the number of views, or R-value for short, was 1.29 (previous day: 1.40). This means that an infected person infects an average of 1.3 more people. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier. Additionally, the RKI gives a seven-day R call in its current status report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value was 1.25 (previous day: 1.37) according to information from Monday. It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago.

Spahn calls for uniform rules and sensible fines

In an international comparison, Germany has weathered the crisis well so far, but now the numbers are rising again, and the winter months are still ahead. What’s next with Corona? Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) spoke about this in the context of the “Munich Economic Debates”, a series of events of Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Ifo Institute in Munich. Due to the epidemic, Spahn’s lecture and subsequent debate took place virtually.

Accommodation bans are currently the most controversial: How much does it really contribute if a family from Berlin can no longer vacation in Brandenburg? Spahn is skeptical. If the figure of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a district is exceeded, local measures are called for first, and if they are successful, there is no need to think about external ones, says the minister.

Spahn is a vehement advocate for uniform rules that the federal government cannot implement on its own. Municipalities, districts, and states play a decisive role in epidemic protection, as the legal organization of the Federal Republic wants. But if there is no uniformity, that will greatly undermine acceptance, complains the Federal Minister of Health. State governments and the federal government will meet again on Wednesday to discuss this issue.

And uniform rules alone are not enough, Spahn emphasizes: They must also be enforced. For acceptance to remain high, sensible fines should be imposed, argues the CDU politician. If that happens a few times, the word will get out. “Cultural differences” also play a role when it comes to following the rules, Spahn says. Talk about “large families” and “very different groups” without being more specific. He cites waiting at a red light as a positive example of following the rules, even when there is no traffic. Such compliance with the rules does not manifest itself in the entire population, which also applies analogously to the monitoring of corona measures. However, these should be adhered to so that retailers, for example, don’t have to worry.

Düsseldorf reports warning level

Düsseldorf has exceeded the important warning level of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. The city announced that a value of 54.8 was reached on Monday. If the value 50 is exceeded, additional protective measures will be implemented in the state capital, the city announced. Measures would be taken primarily to ensure that the follow-up of the contact person by the health department remains possible.

Giffey calls for consequences in case of “massive violations” of crown rules

Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey warned against condemning young people in general for the sharp increase in the number of corona cases. You should not play the old against the young, many young people behaved with prudence and good sense, said the SPD politician, who is also Minister of Youth and Elderly, in the ARD “Morgenmagazin” with a view to young people wanting to party . “The dividing line is not between the old and the young, but between the sensible and the irrational,” he added. If there are massive violations of the crown restrictions, there must be consequences, regardless of the age of the people.

There will be a return to joy. “But we are not there yet,” warned Giffey. That is why people of all ages must be sensible. “This is not the time for the big parties,” the minister stressed.

Munich exceeds corona warning level again

In the corona pandemic, the city of Munich once again exceeded the important alert level of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. As is clear from the information provided by the Robert Koch Institute, the value is 50.6 (data as of October 12, midnight). The districts of Regen and Fürstenfeldbruck as well as the cities of Memmingen and Rosenheim in Bavaria currently exceed the critical value.
