Corona in Germany: Always New Hotspots – Horrible Incidence Reported North – State Capital Tears Up Border


Big cities hit

New corona infections in Germany are increasing rapidly. Cities and regions record new highs. The RKI, on the other hand, reports fewer cases of coronavirus.

Update as of October 11, 7.30 pm: The city of Lower Saxony Delmenhorst has been considered as since Thursday Corona-Hotspot. Now the city has reached a new record. At 2.30 pm on Sunday afternoon, the health department reported a new one with 15 new infections. 7-day incidence value of 135.4. According to the city, a total of 108 people are currently infected. A total of 306 people have been infected with the virus there since the start of the pandemic.

The RKI reports different numbers. In the management report as of October 11, the city is classified with an incidence value of 64.5. These dates are from midnight. The Lower Saxony health department reported a value of 90.3 at 9:00 am The numbers can differ greatly due to different time records and the associated fluctuation in the recorded infection numbers.

Corona in Germany: new Corona hot spots – state capital breaks border



Update from October 11 at 5:07 pm: More and more cities and regions in Germany exceed the critical seven-day incidence value of 50 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants and are considered Hot spots classified. Well it also has Mainz broke this limit. At noon Sunday, the city reported a value of 57. Mainz had already announced on Friday that Corona traffic light in orange order and tighten the measurements. “Red is not far off,” Mayor Michael Ebling (SPD) warned on Friday. According to the Rhineland-Palatinate regulation, “red” is reached as soon as the incidence value of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is exceeded in more than five days.

Daily i appreciate that Robert Koch Institute the Corona-Lage also a new one in Germany. Here was the R value in Sunday’s report 1.40 (Previous day: 1.42) and the R value of 7 days, which represents the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago, at 1.37 (previous day: 1.43). The sources of infection remain private celebrations. But there are also clusters in the elderly and nursing homes, as well as in hospitals, among other things, according to the RKI.

Crown in Germany: Stuttgart asks Bundeswehr for help

Update as of October 11, 1:48 pm: The city mobilizes to track contact persons Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg) the the entire city administration. She also asks for the help of armed forces, as Stefan Ehehalt, head of the Stuttgart health department, on Sunday according to the news agency dpa Release.

“The numbers increase alarmingly, so much so that the health department can no longer guarantee the follow-up of contact persons, which is so important for the control of the pandemic,” Ehehalt said. In the state capital of Baden-Württemberg, the alert level of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded in seven days (see below the first report of October 11).

“We must act decisively now to reduce the number of New infections go back down immediately. This is the only way we can keep schools, daycare centers, businesses and retailers open. This is the only way to ensure that all cases go back to the health department, ”said Stuttgart Mayor Fritz Kuhn (Greens) aloud. dpa after a conference call for a briefing

Corona in Germany: Munich police break up raver party

Update as of October 11, 1:15 pm: According to * in Munich, the police broke up an illegal raver party at the slaughterhouse site. It is said that 200 people celebrated there on Sunday morning.

Coronavirus in Germany: more and more hotspots: 30 regions break the critical limit

First report of October 11, 2020

Munich: The corona virus is spreading rapidly in Germany. In the federal states Sedan, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hessen Y Hamburg the number of infections is high, too high. More and more large cities and regions are clearly outperforming criticism Incidence at 7 days of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days.

Corona in Germany: Stuttgart and Essen exceed the limit value

There is always more Corona-Hotspots. The capital of Berlin in particular is the focus of the infection process. But also Frankfurt, Bremen how Essen and now Suburb Y Stuttgart draw attention to themselves with maximum values. A total of 30 regions in Germany broke the 50 limit on Sunday. Compared to the day before, there are seven more.

“Currently an accelerated increase in the number of transmissions can be observed in the population of Germany,” said the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in its current Covid-19 situation report (of October 10). “Therefore, an urgent call is made for the entire population to be committed to protecting against infections.”

Corona access points in Germany: RKI list of Covid-19 situation report of October 10

circle Corona cases 7 day incidence
Berlin Neukölln 430 133.9
Central berlin 341 90.9
Lk Cloppenburg (Lower Saxony) 137 80.3
Offenbach (Hesse) 92 70.6
Rosenheim (Bavaria) 43 67.7
Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg 230 67.3
Herne (North Rhine-Westphalia) 104 66.5
Frankfurt am Main (Hesse) 498 65.2
Hamm (North Rhine-Westphalia) 116 64.2
Delmenhorst (Lower Saxony) Four. Five 58.0
Wesemarsch (Lower Saxony) fifty 56.4
LK Esslingen (Baden-Württemberg) 301 56.3
Bremen 319 56.2
Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg 156 55.3
Wuppertal (North Rhine-Westphalia) 196 55.2

To curb the spread of the corona virus, cities are tightening their corona rules. In Sedan From Saturday there is a curfew for most restaurants, bars and pubs from 23:00 to 06:00. Only five people can meet outside from 11 pm to 6 am For celebrations or private events, the number of participants is limited to ten people.

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been the sad leader in corona infection numbers for days. The town of Hamm has been trying to control a crown breakout after a major wedding in mid-September for weeks. Suburb exceeds after Essen the critical limit on Sunday. The inhabitants of the city of North Rhine-Westphalia must be prepared for the restrictions of everyday life. Other regions of North Rhine-Westphalia are scratching the critical incidence value that the federal and state governments have set as a threshold value.

Corona in Germany: hotspots in Bavaria: the situation in Munich is critical again

Corona hot spots in Bavaria According to RKI information (as of October 10 at 12 am) they are the cities of Memmingen (56.7) and Rosenheim (70.8) and the districts of Fürstenfeldbruck (64.3) and Regen (60.7). Even in Munich, infection levels are increasing, as reported by *. Therefore, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) urged the people to abide by the rules of Corona. Of the Picture on sunday Söder said: “It’s five to twelve. The situation should no longer be overlooked ”. Quick action is needed for everyone: “An earlier curfew and no larger parties and celebrations for a certain period of time.”

In Baden-Wuerttemberg reports Stuttgart increasing number of infections. The city is preparing cuts such as the introduction of a curfew, restrictions on alcohol consumption and the requirement for masks within the city ring. Of the Esslingen district has limited private celebrations to ten people since Friday (October 9) due to the increasing number of infections. Also, a mask is required in public spaces. In the current situation, two developments are emerging, reports the Esslingen district. There is also a diffuse infection process in the family environment, occasionally in schools, clubs and refugee accommodation. In addition, a cargo center in Köngen has become a hotspot for the spread of the coronavirus.

Corona in Germany: RKI reports 3,483 new corona infections

According to the RKI, German health authorities have reported 3,483 new coronavirus cases and 11 deaths in relation to Sars-CoV-2 (as of October 11 at 12am). Consequently, there are currently 38,449 active corona cases in Germany.

Corona in Germany: RKI case numbers as of October 11, 2020

  • 322,864 people in Germany They have been shown to be infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus according to the RKI.
  • 9615 people died in connection with or in Covid-19.
  • The RKI estimates that 274,800 people have survived a Sars-CoV-2 infection.

However, experience shows that the number of registered cases is lower on Sundays and Mondays. Not all health authorities report data to the RKI during the weekend. On Thursday, the value jumped to 4,058 new corona infections. On Friday morning, the RKI reported 4,516 new infections and on Saturday morning even 4,721. (ml) * and are part of the Ippen-Digital network
