Trump in front of supporters in Washington: “Thank you for your prayers”


In top shape again? After his return to the White House, the president of the United States, Trump, made it clear in a speech to his supporters: the disease of the crown was over. It was shown in campaign mode.

By Claudia Sarre, ARD Studio Washington

It feels good, US President Trump tells his supporters from the White House balcony. “Thank you for your prayers while I was in the hospital,” he added.

Hundreds of invited Trump fans in red baseball caps and turquoise jerseys had gathered on the lawn in front of the White House to cheer on the president.

Trump praises science in the fight against the virus

It was President Trump’s first public appearance since his crown diagnosis. He was only allowed to leave Walter Reed Military Hospital last Monday. Since then there has been speculation about the president’s health.

On the balcony of the White House, the 74-year-old looked almost the same, at least that’s how he looked in his nearly 17-minute speech. If you listened carefully, you noticed that his tone had changed a bit. All of a sudden, he was praising the science and medicine that the coronavirus, the China virus as he calls it, will eliminate.

Health speculation

In the days after his Covid19 diagnosis, Trump received several drug cocktails, to which he apparently owes his speedy recovery. He is now drug free, he told Fox News. However, it is not yet clear whether it is still contagious.

Therefore, his fans were encouraged to wear masks and keep their distance, but not all of them did. This time, the guests on the White House lawn were not your typical white supporters, but primarily young people from the black community.

Law and order as an electoral campaign issue

But even with them, Trump’s campaign message of “law and order” was well received. “The homes, churches and businesses of Black and Latino businessmen have been looted, devastated and burned by left-wing fanatics. And Biden calls them peaceful protesters,” Trump said.

Trump feels strong and in top shape

Trump has no time to lose, he has to make up for the time he was out of action. In the polls, he is almost ten points behind his challenger Joe Biden. In recent days he has already given several interviews on conservative radio and television stations. The tenor was the same everywhere: he felt strong and in top shape. He overcame his crown disease. Time is running out. The elections will take place in a good three weeks.

Millions of Americans have already cast their votes, or are about to fill out their vote-by-mail ballots. Trump’s rival, Biden, is currently traveling from one election campaign to the next.

Performances in Florida, Pennsylvania and Iowa

This is one of the reasons the president re-enters full campaign mode. He plans to perform in Florida on Monday, Pennsylvania on Tuesday and Iowa on Wednesday. All the major states in which you have to convince undecided voters if you want to win the November 3 election.

The polls are not looking good for President Trump. Since his Covid19 disease, he has regressed even further, even in critical states like Florida. Biden currently has a good 51 percent approval, Trump 42 percent. But that doesn’t mean much, because before the 2016 election Trump was also behind schedule and ultimately won.
