Large-scale operation in the corona pandemic: Kreuzberg primary school plans a children’s demonstration in “L34” – Berlin


Greens: disproportionate eviction next

In a statement Thursday, the Greens district association and the BVV Greens parliamentary group in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg said: “The upcoming evacuation is disproportionate, especially given current developments in the corona pandemic.. Facts are created, although the still legitimate open questions have not finally been clarified in court. “

Be in berlin more and more people are threatened with displacement, according to the statement.. “At the same time, as in the Liebig 34 it unilaterally asserted the interests of investors. The increasing displacement, whether of tenants, businesses or open space, understandably creates fear and despair. “

The state of Berlin and the districts would have to come to an agreement on how open spaces could be preserved and created in the city. “We regret that a solution could not be found for the Liebig 34 despite intensive efforts.”

It is to be feared that the evacuation with thousands of police during the corona pandemic “put an entire district in a state of emergency”. This also includes the “disproportionate closure from surrounding schools and kindergartens. The costs to the general public do not justify the execution of a legally binding eviction permit in these circumstances. ”

Be unreasonable and disproportionate,such a massive police force right now summon from all over Germany in a risk zone “.

It is to be feared that the legitimate political counter-protest will be repressed on a large scale. “Violence is for us however it is not a legitimate means to an end and it is neither useful nor acceptable. We are also resolutely opposed to any form of ideological debate that aims to provoke and provoke further violence, “the Greens said in their statement.”The requirement of non-violent conflict resolution should apply equally to all. Above all, violence damages the neighborhood, which is committed to peaceful and diverse coexistence ”.

the Proposal for a moratorium on eviction until spring 2021 say hello, “On the one hand to clarify the legal issues raised and make another attempt to find a sustainable solution with the owner ”.
