Donald Trump threatens to boycott a virtual television duel


The two contenders for the US presidency are supposed to only face each other virtually in the second television duel: the CPD Presidential Debate Committee announced that the second television debate between US President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden will be virtual in a kind of municipal meeting. It will be carried out. Trump, however, does not want to agree with this change: The change to a virtual format is “unacceptable,” Trump said Thursday in an interview with Fox Business television channel.

The debate is scheduled for October 15. In the first live match at the end of September, the two candidates met personally. Soon after, it became known that Donald Trump was infected with the corona virus. It is unclear whether Trump may have been contagious at the time of the debate.

Trump will continue to be treated. The decision of the commission of a virtual duel must be seen in relation to the disease and a possible risk of infection from Trump. Because the Commission announced that it was about guaranteeing “the health and safety of all those involved” in the second debate.

In the first game, Trump and Biden had a rough exchange of blows. The content dealt with the crisis of the crown, the Supreme Court and the American economy. Opponents also debated racism, discrimination and protests in cities.

Instead of a television matchup, Trump is now planning an event in front of fans.

Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien said that instead of the televised duel, Trump is now planning an event in front of his supporters. The new format is just a “sad excuse” to help Biden, he said. “The safety of everyone involved can simply be ensured without having to cancel an opportunity in which voters can see the candidates in a duel.” Trump could have tested negative for the coronavirus multiple times before the debate, he said.

Since it became known that the president of the United States is fighting a Covid infection, it has been discussed to what extent the diagnosis could affect the next scheduled television appointment. Joe Biden said Tuesday that it should be canceled if Trump hasn’t overcome his Covid-19 disease by then. “I think if you still have Covid we shouldn’t have a debate,” Biden said.

Icon: The mirror
