Corona situation in Berlin: Lars Klingbeil calls Markus Söder a “mini Trump” after criticism


The number of infections in Germany is increasing. The Robert Koch Institute reported more than 4,000 new infections in one day. Large cities are particularly affected by the high number of cases, a fact denounced by the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder.

He warned against abandoning caution in the pandemic. According to Söder, some big cities like Berlin are on the verge of losing control of the number of infections, “Morgenmagazin” told the ZDF. Facing the situation in Berlin, the CSU politician had already found clear words earlier in the week. In the SPD, he was met with criticism.

In view of the increasing number of cases in Berlin, Söder had warned that the situation was “on the verge of becoming unmanageable”. The “strange system” of district governments complicates a uniform Corona strategy. The city is on a “dangerous threshold”.

Criticisms of the Klingbeil and the mayor of Berlin Müller

SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil has reacted to these statements. On Twitter, he accuses Söder of using the pandemic politically. Klingbeil wrote that no one had “politically instrumentalized the high number of infections in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia.” “What motivates Söder to do mini-Trump here and divide the country is incomprehensible to me.” It’s just indecent, the tweet continues.

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller had previously reacted to Söder’s criticism. The SPD politician announced stricter measures for Berlin on Tuesday. At the same time, according to local media, Müller had cited statistics that suggested that several major German cities are at a similar crown level to Berlin.

There is a lot to do in the capital, but also in most of Germany’s metropolises. “That is why I say very clearly that I find it a bit unbearable how some people here post advertisements and those who are not normally interested in Berlin suddenly know exactly what the situation is in Berlin and what is going to happen in Berlin.” is doing, “Müller told a press conference.

Without mentioning Söder by name, Müller led another council toward the Free State. After all, he did not issue any travel warnings to his Berliners in the direction of Bavaria because one could not be sure how the test results were achieved and whether they would be wasted for weeks or not, Müller said according to local media. In August, Bavaria made headlines with setbacks related to crown fitting and masks.

Icon: The mirror
