Corona risk zones: where travel is still allowed in Germany


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In Germany there is no uniform regulation on corona risk areas. So the question arises: where else can you go on vacation?

  • The number New infections with the coronavirus * it rises again in Germany.
  • Several regions are already risk areas with particularly high infection rates.
  • Where is vacation in germany it is still possible, and where is it not?

Update Wednesday 7th October 2020, 4:41 pm: Schleswig-Holstein will be strict Quarantine requirements for travelers from domestic corona risk areas loosen up. This was announced by the state government in Kiel on Wednesday after a call from the heads of state of the state chancellery with the head of the chancellery, Helge Braun.

Updated Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 4:11 pm: The federal states have Accommodation ban for national vacationers Crown-Risikogebieten decided. The ban applies across the country, the German Press Agency in Berlin learned on Wednesday from groups of participants after an exchange conference between the heads of the state chancelleries of the federal states with Chancellor Helge Braun.

Corona risk zones: where you can still travel in Germany and where you can’t

First report of Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 1 :: 02 pm: Frankfurt: traveling is one of those things in 2020. The Federal Ministry of Health, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Chancellery are located because Corona-Pandemie almost every day new risk areas for Germany firmly. But traveling within the country is not that easy either.

After all, the number of new infections is increasing rapidly again in Germany. In Frankfurt, for example, the new crown rules * will apply from Friday (October 9). And then the question arises, where can you still travel in Germany, now during the autumn holidays, without having to be quarantined later. “” has provided an overview of this.

Corona risk zones in Germany: where is the critical value of 50 exceeded?

First, the rule is, again, since a country or region is considered Area of ​​risk it is classified, it is remembered. Because that is 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days the case. They talk about the so-called Seven-day incidence. This number specifies that Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in your daily status report Crown-Krise In front. Although the risk areas for foreign countries are precisely and uniformly defined for the whole of Germany, a different route applies at the state level. This says: Each federal state decides for itself, but where is what applies now?

If you look at the RKI situation report of October 5, exactly seven districts exceed the seven-day critical incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 residents: Hamm, Remscheid, Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Berlin Mitte, Vechta, Berlin Neukölln, Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg. However, since each federal state makes its own decisions, these districts are not considered risk areas everywhere.

Corona risk zones in Germany: what applies in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein

While, for example, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Berlin is not classified as a risk zone because only entire districts or urban districts are considered (for Berlin as a whole, the seven-day incidence is well below 50) Schleswig-Holstein completely different rules. As “” explains, six of the seven Schleswig-Holstein areas with an incidence of seven days greater than 50 are classified as risk (Hamm, Remscheid, Berlin Mitte, Neukölln, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Tempelhof-Schöneberg).

Anyone coming from one of these areas has to get up 14 day quarantine stop if entrance to Schleswig-Holstein is planned. However, if the person entering the country can show two negative corona tests, the quarantine period can be shortened. The following applies: the first test must be done within 48 hours prior to entry, the second at least five days later. There are also exceptions for short stays or transit. This rule also applies to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Corona risk zones in Germany: what about the other federal states?

Who after Rhineland-Palatinate I want to travel and of one Area of ​​risk (currently seven regions named above), you must first be in quarantine. There are also exceptions here if the test results are negative. Coronavirus or short stays. Entry bans do not apply in Rhineland-Palatinate.

In Berlin, Bremen, Thuringia and Lower Saxony are currently no risk areas shown within Germany. The same goes for Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Saarland. There are no entry bans or quarantine obligation for travelers from risk areas in Germany. It is important to note that these regulations can change at any time as soon as other regions within Germany are declared risk areas. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically consult the daily RKI report and the pages of the health authorities of the different federal states. * is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide
