Donald Trump is back in the White House


reUS President Donald Trump, infected with the coronavirus, has returned to the White House after three days of hospital treatment. Trump staged his arrival as a show of force: He climbed the stairs to the balcony on the south side of his residence, removed his mask and greeted the pilot of his departing helicopter. Trump is likely to be contagious, and according to the requirements of health authorities, he would have to wear the mask to protect the people around him. It was not possible to see on television images on Monday afternoon local time that he had put the mask back on when he entered the White House.

The American president had been released from Walter Reed Hospital in a Washington suburb a few minutes earlier. His personal physician, Sean Conley, restricted that Trump “had not yet cleared the mountain.” At the same time, however, he stressed that the White House president would get the best 24-hour medical care. “I feel really good!” The president wrote on Twitter. He was taken to the hospital by helicopter on Friday night.

Trump: to resume campaign soon

Conley told a press conference outside the hospital in the afternoon that he probably couldn’t give the go-ahead for the course of the disease until next week. “If we make it through the weekend to Monday and her condition stays the same or improves, then we can all finally breathe a sigh of relief,” Conley said. But there is nothing that speaks against a dismissal.

The US presidential elections will be in four weeks. Trump announced Monday night on Twitter that he would soon resume his election campaign, which had been suspended due to illness.

The election year is overshadowed by the crown pandemic. Trump, who wants to secure his second term in office on November 3, is accused of gross negligence in dealing with the pandemic due to the numerous deaths in the United States. In recent weeks he has campaigned with thousands of followers. Trump’s illness once again highlighted the pandemic in the final stretch of the elections.
