Quarantine: harsh criticism of internal German quarantine regulations


Quarantine regulations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Schleswig-Holstein for travelers from risky areas in the German interior are drawing increasing criticism. “National travel restrictions are a wrong sign and do not help,” Thuringia Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) told SPIEGEL. Ramelow Home Secretary Georg Maier (SPD) believes the measures are not practical. “It is a mystery to me how this regulation will be implemented. Should we now conduct random checks between federal states?” Maier told SPIEGEL. “You missed the mark, it won’t work.”

In Schleswig-Holstein, people who have previously been in a corona risk area within Germany are required to go into a 14-day quarantine. This can only be reversed with two negative corona tests within five days. Rhineland-Palatinate also passed a similar regulation on Monday.

The decisive factor for classification as a risk zone is whether more than 50 people per 100,000 inhabitants in the respective districts or urban districts tested positive in the last 7 days. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) currently identifies the cities of Hamm and Remscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia and the district of Vechta in Lower Saxony as German risk areas. The Berlin districts of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln and Tempelhof-Schöneberg are also on the RKI list.

“Much confusion”

Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate are based on this. Other countries, on the other hand, see Berlin as a whole; overall, the city is still below the risk mark. Others have not yet planned a quarantine for German domestic travelers, but there may be blanket bans on accommodation.

Ramelow refers to the regulation of local procedure in his state. “We follow the line in Thuringia, with which we have had positive experiences. The state is involved in 35 cases. Basically, it is decided by the local doctor. In Schleiz, for example, it works wonderfully, where the doctor reacted immediately” said the chief of government.

A few days ago there was a corona outbreak in a housing for the disabled in Schleiz, causing the number of new infections in the Saale-Orla district to exceed 35. As a result, the rules were tightened in the district.

Bundestag Vice President Thomas Oppermann (SPD) also advocates for precise and transparent rules. “The fact that some federal states such as Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate have issued strict quarantine rules for travelers from individual municipalities causes a lot of confusion. To travel within Germany, we need a uniform regulation at the national level in which all states feds agree, “Oppermann said. the SPIEGEL. “A relapse into small states only creates uncertainty and jeopardizes acceptance of the crown’s rules.”

In Schleswig-Holstein there are criticisms of the opposition. The leader of the parliamentary group in the state parliament, Ralf Stegner (SPD), told SPIEGEL: “I do not believe in such individual efforts of individual countries. Beyond regional differentiation in local infection hot spots, a coordinated approach is necessary nationwide for the crisis of the crown if we don’t get the acceptance of the citizens. wants to lose. “This applies even more to quarantine regulations and mask requirements.

Also criticisms of the CDU von Spahn and Ploß

Also in the neighboring country, in the city-state of Hamburg, the regulation in Schleswig-Holstein is causing discontent. “A patchwork quilt in Germany only adds to the confusion and will hardly contain the incidence of infection,” said the state president of the CDU Hamburg, Christoph Ploß. “Who should control everything effectively if, for example, a district in a major German city is a risk area, but the neighboring district is not? So I don’t believe in this rule.”

There had already been criticism from SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach. “I suppose that very soon we will exceed the number of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week in many regions of Germany. Existing quarantine regulations will hardly make sense because practically all of Germany will be an area at risk,” Lauterbach said. the “Tagesspiegel”.

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) was also skeptical on Monday. He well understands the regulations that some federal states have regarding domestic travel in Germany. “At the same time, we have to look together at the current dynamic infection situation to ensure that everything remains understandable and practically observable to citizens.”

Editor’s note: In an earlier version, Karl Lauterbach was appointed Minister of Health. In fact, he is an SPD health expert. We have corrected the relevant passage.

Icon: The mirror
