Live coronavirus ticker: +++ 05:37 Adjusted statistics: Almost 2,800 new deaths in Mexico +++


Mexico has changed the way its corona cases are counted and recorded 28,115 new infections and 2,789 new deaths in one day. The death toll related to the Covid-19 disease, the fourth highest in the world, rose to 81,877 on Monday (local time). The day before, 3712 infections and 208 deaths had been added. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, Mexico, the tenth most populous country in the world with almost 130 million inhabitants, has the ninth most in the world with 789,780 confirmed corona infections. The actual numbers are likely significantly higher as there is very little evidence in the North American country. In addition, according to official information, more than 90 thousand tests in Mexico could not be evaluated during the pandemic, for example due to errors in transport and storage.

+++ 05:37 For the home office: the federal government bought 40,000 computers +++
During the Corona crisis, the federal government bought more than 40,000 computers so that employees of ministries and subordinate authorities can work from home. This stems from a response from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a request from Katharina Willkomm, spokesperson for consumer policy of the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag. Thus, between March and September, exactly 40,728 desktop PCs, laptops and tablets with accessories were purchased for a total amount of 93.5 million euros.

+++ 04:46 Lower Saxony’s Health Minister describes night bans as “excessive” +++
Lower Saxony Health Minister Carola Reimann considers the Schleswig-Holstein quarantine obligation for travelers from various districts of Berlin and other German cities with a high number of corona infections to be “excessive”. The SPD politician told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung that there is currently no night ban on people from risk areas in the interior of Germany in her country. The corresponding regulations within the federal territory are also “practically impossible to implement or even control” from the point of view of the Lower Saxony state government. Schleswig-Holstein has designated the Berlin districts of Mitte, Neukölln, Tempelhof-Schöneberg and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, as well as the NRW cities of Hamm and Remscheid as risk areas in Germany due to the high number of corona infections. Anyone entering from there must immediately quarantine for 14 days or show two corona-negative tests within five days.

+++ 03:49 Lauterbach wants to teach students in the relay system +++
SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach is lowering hopes for a corona vaccine for children that will be available starting in 2021. In light of the growing number of infections, he calls for staggered teaching times during cold months. “Face-to-face lessons can become a popular event in the fall and winter,” he told the Rheinische Post. To curb the incidence of infections, Lauterbach advises that classes start in the morning for some of the students and at noon for the others. “This requires a simplified curriculum for the current school year, in which, for once, some subjects do not have to be taught, or only virtually.” This would avoid overcrowding in classrooms and rush hours in schools and reduce the risk of infection, for example on buses and trains.

+++ 02:55 all clear for the Austrian government: negative tests +++
After the discovery of a corona case in the vicinity of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the head of government and his cabinet colleagues tested negative for the virus. They got the test result on Tuesday night. As a precautionary measure, members of the government had previously canceled all appointments. ÖVP Kurz politician and Greens Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler were the last to contact the employee who later tested positive at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday last week.

+++ 02:08 White House rejects stricter approval procedures for vaccines +++
The US FDA wants to tighten the guidelines for emergency approval of coronavirus vaccines. This means that they are rejected by high-ranking officials in Washington. According to the New York Times, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is against the provision that a vaccine will only be approved after the November 3 election.

+++ 01:30 the number of cases in Brazil is falling +++
The number of new infections and deaths is decreasing in Brazil. The Ministry of Health reports 11,946 new confirmed cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours. The country has had 4,927,235 infections since the outbreak of the pandemic. The number of people killed by the virus increased from 323 to 146,675. The number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher.

+++ 00:25 Despite the infection: Trump wants to compete for the second television duel +++
Donald Trump apparently wants to compete in the second planned television matchup with his challenger Joe Biden on October 15, despite his Covid 19 disease. That’s what a spokesman for his campaign team said. For the first meeting of Vice President Mike Pence and the candidate for his position, Kamala Harris, scheduled for this Wednesday, plexiglass partitions will be installed to prevent the spread of the virus. Both Pence and Harris had recently tested negative.

+++ 23:29 US health authorities re-include aerosol warning in guidelines +++
The US health authority, CDC, has officially determined that the coronavirus can also be transmitted through small particles suspended in the air. Two weeks ago, the CDC caused a stir because they first published the reference to them in their recommendations, and then took it down after a few days. The reason given was that a draft was incorrectly published too early. Now, the CDC is writing again in its Corona guidelines that, under certain conditions, the virus can also be transmitted farther than the six feet (about 1.8 meters) previously considered relevant. That was the case with stuffy rooms. Sometimes people would have gasped, for example while singing or exercising.

+++ 22:32 More than 36,000 new infections in US +++
In the US, the number of corona infections increased from 36,778 to 7,396,730 cases. The CDC announced this. The number of people who died from infection rose to 209,199 cases, an increase of 378 cases.

+++ 21:31 Authorities report more than 2,600 new cases of corona +++
In Germany, the number of corona cases has risen to 301,838 according to a tally by That’s 2642 more infections than the day before. The number of deaths from corona increases from 13 to 9539. Currently, almost 30,000 people are infected. The high increase is explained, among other things, by late registrations at the weekend. This also includes Bavaria’s Saturday and Sunday values, which do not publish any crown data on weekends. However, the seven-day trend of new infections continues to show a strong increase.

+++ 20:41 New York has to close several schools again +++
After the new crown outbreaks in New York, schools in nine districts of the metropolis must close again. In these zip code districts, about 5.5 percent of corona tests are currently testing positive, Governor Andrew Cuomo said. All schools in these districts would have to close on Tuesday. Unlike previously requested by Mayor Bill de Blasio, restaurants, bars and shops can initially remain open, with mandatory mask, hygiene rules and limited capacity. After several postponements, schools in the metropolis had started again last week to teach students at least temporarily on site.

+++ 19:54 the infection rate in Germany drops slightly +++
The infection rate has decreased slightly in Germany. According to estimates by the Robert Koch Institute, the number of views, or R-value for short, falls to 1.21 (previous day: 1.23). This means that an infected person infects more than one other person on average. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier. Additionally, the RKI gives a seven-day R call in its current status report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value is now 1.08 (previous day: 1.14). It shows the infection process for eight to 16 days.

The most important advances so far on the current situation regarding the global coronavirus pandemic can be found in here.
