President of the United States corona infection: Trump has left the hospital


Four weeks before the US elections, Trump, a patient of the crown, wants to send a signal of strength and leaves the hospital after only three days. The president says it feels good. But his doctor has yet to give the go-ahead.

After three days of treatment for his Covid disease, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, left the Walter Reed Military Hospital. The helicopter with Trump on board took off from the hospital grounds in Bethesda, north of Washington, at night, as seen in television footage. The helicopter brought Trump back to the White House.

There, the president demonstratively removed the protective mask that he had been wearing until then, although it is still contagious. According to health authorities, Trump should wear the mask to protect the people around him. Television footage did not show that he had put the mask back on when he entered the White House.

Trump announced on Twitter in the afternoon that he would be leaving the hospital for the night. “I feel really good!” The president wrote. He then ran from the hospital building to his convoy of vehicles, which took him to the helicopter.

The personal physician still does not want to give the go ahead

Trump’s personal physician, Sean Conley, said at a press conference outside the hospital in the afternoon that he probably couldn’t give the go-ahead for the course of the disease until next week. “If we make it through the weekend to Monday and his condition stays the same or improves, then we can all finally breathe a sigh of relief,” Conley said, adding that there is nothing to prevent a shock.

Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed Hospital on Friday night. The US presidential elections will be in four weeks. Trump announced Monday night on Twitter that he would soon resume his election campaign, which had been suspended due to illness. According to a spokesperson, Trump also wants to participate in the upcoming television debate on October 15.

Election campaign under the sign of Corona

The election year is overshadowed by the crown pandemic. Trump, who wants to secure his second term in office on November 3, is accused of serious failures in handling the pandemic due to the numerous deaths in the United States. In recent weeks he has campaigned with thousands of followers. Trump’s illness once again highlighted the pandemic in the final stretch of the elections.

Now the president wrote: “Don’t be afraid of Covid.” You must not allow the corona virus to dominate your own life. “We developed some really great drugs and knowledge under the Trump administration. I feel better than 20 years ago!” Trump has repeatedly raised hopes that a vaccine will soon be available. Since the beginning of the global crisis, more than 7.4 million infections have been detected in the US and more than 210,000 people have died after becoming infected.

Trump’s spokeswoman also infected

The pandemic is not yet under control. Even the White House is grappling with an outbreak, the scope of which is only gradually clearing up. Several people around Trump have been infected, including the first lady, Trump’s campaign manager and one of his closest advisers. Her spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany announced her infection on Monday.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the risk of serious illness between the ages of 50 and 60 increases with coronavirus infections. Trump is 74 years old. Pre-existing conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity are other risk factors.

The Tagesthemen reported on this issue on October 5, 2020 at 10:36 pm
