Corona Stream: Suddenly 16,000 New Cases – Corona chaos in Britain


Crown alarm at the Austrian Chancellery

A crown case in the vicinity of Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) is drawing circles. According to the Chancellery, the head of government and his vice chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) canceled all appointments on Monday at least until their own crown test results were available. “The entire government is being put to the test,” a government spokesman said on Monday.

The close associate, who tested positive for the corona virus, was also present at the cabinet meeting last Wednesday. All journalists who attended the press conference at the time were advised to take the test as well. Also, many employees are now being monitored for positive. The results should be available Tuesday night.

The chancellor himself currently feels no impediment, said Salzburg regional chief Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP). “It feels very good. He’s also convinced it’s negative, “Haslauer said after a phone call with Kurz, the” oe24 “broadcaster.

The head of government and Kogler were in contact last Wednesday with the employee who now tested positive. The affected employee tested negative Tuesday night. Meanwhile, Kurz had stayed in Brussels, where he attended the EU summit on Thursday and Friday.

Kurz and Kogler were heading to a press conference in Salzburg when they learned of the incident on Monday. They immediately returned to Vienna. At the press conference, which then took place without the head of government, a major injection of funds for the Salzburg Festival was announced. The most important classical music and performing arts festival in the world will receive 262 million euros from the federal government, the state and the city over the next ten years to renovate its venues.
