reThe Nagorno-Karabakh conflict flared up again a week ago. The 150,000-strong predominantly Armenian region separated from Azerbaijan in 1991. As predominantly Christian Armenia is allied with Russia and predominantly Muslim Azerbaijan is supported by Turkey, the conflict threatens to spread beyond the region. . Important oil and gas pipelines also run through the southern Caucasus.
In an interview, the head of state of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, raises serious accusations against Turkey.
WORLD: They accuse Azerbaijan of accepting military aid from Turkey. What evidence do you have for that?
Nikol Paschinjan: We have evidence. Russia, France and Iran have already confirmed that the Turkish army participated in the major offensive against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh, editor’s note) that began on September 27. Senior Turkish officials publicly acknowledged their support for Azerbaijan, not only politically and diplomatically, but also on the battlefield. They use Turkish drones and F-16s to bombard civilian areas in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The international community, and especially the American public, should know that these US-made F-16s are being used to kill Armenians in this conflict. There is evidence that the Turkish military commanders were directly involved in leading the offensive. Ankara has provided Baku with military vehicles, weapons and military guides. We know that Turkey trained thousands of mercenaries and terrorists and brought them here from Turkish-occupied areas in northern Syria. These mercenaries and terrorists now fight against the Armenians. Many of them don’t even know why Turkey is sending them to Azerbaijan. They made false promises, which they only found out after arriving here in the country.
We also know that these terrorists use drugs: narcotic syringes were found in the pockets of their uniforms, which could explain why 30 percent of the Azerbaijani victims are foreign mercenaries.
WORLD: In your opinion, is Turkey responsible for the escalation of the situation?
Paschinjan: Absolutely. The joint Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercise, which took place in August, is basically not over. In fact, this attack on Nagorno-Karabakh is only the next phase of this operation. After preparing in August, they decided to start this offensive and therefore must be held responsible for the escalation. After an initial attack and subsequent defeat on the border with Armenia in July, Azerbaijan turned to Turkey and it is clear that Ankara is making decisions on many crucial aspects of the current situation. His goal is to shift the balance of power in this region to his advantage.
WORLD: What do you mean by that?
Paschinjan: Turkey wants to increase its role and influence in the South Caucasus and thus change the status quo that has been in place for a century. Her dream is to build a sultanate-style empire, and in doing so she is following a path that could set the entire region ablaze.
WORLD: Would you be ready for a truce?
Paschinjan: Turkey and Azerbaijan must end hostilities because they have started this offensive and are killing more Armenians right now. Nagorno-Karabakh must not be disarmed, as that would lead to genocide. The people who live there are threatened by their existence. And right now the other side shows no interest in stopping the fight.
I am not even sure if Azerbaijan is in any way controlling the terrorists fighting alongside it. According to our intelligence, in some villages in Azerbaijan mercenaries simply go to the shops, prohibit the sale of alcohol and demand that Sharia law be respected.
WORLD: Should the negotiations on the OSCE-Minsk Group continue?
Paschinjan: It is the only possible format. The presidents of Russia and France have made a strong appeal to the attackers. We hope that the international community will actively participate in ending hostilities. Turkey’s membership in the OSCE Minsk Group should be suspended because the country is partisan and belligerent. Because of this, it can no longer act as an intermediary.
WORLD: Is this crisis worse than the one in 2016?
Paschinjan: It’s much worse. At best it can be compared to what happened in 1915, when more than 1.5 million Armenians were massacred during the first genocide of the 20th century. The Turkish state, which still denies the past, is here again on the road to genocide. The world needs to know what is going on here. The international community must intervene quickly to prevent the violence from spreading further, because if it does not, the entire southern Caucasus will feel the consequences of this conflict.