Cologne: “Possible explosive device” discovered in Zug – police give details – large-scale operation ended


Cologne alarm: a cleaner found a possible bomb on a train. The police were on the scene with a large number. Other trains were also registered.

  • In Suburb became a “possible explosive device” in a Zug he found.
  • A cleaner discovered this on a regional train parked in a depot.
  • This news ticker is continually updated.

Update October 4 at 11:20 am.: Using the policeman in connection with the Finding on a Cologne train It’s finished. A cleaner had one on a train standing on the siding of Deutzer Feld station suspicious item discovered. Police announced Saturday that the box, which contained nails, was not dangerous.

Saturday night they were also still 27 more trains at the Deutzer Feld depot and a decoupled part of the train in Gummersbach wanted. The investigation ended late at night. Be there no other suspicious items was found, police said. In addition to emergency services, more than 20 explosives detection dogs from North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate and the federal police were used, according to the AFP news agency.

Cologne alarm: “Possible explosive device” discovered in Zug – police give details – “cannot be lit”

Update October 3 at 5:26 pm.: Now she has policeman more details about the find in one Zug in Suburb Announced. Consequently, the analysis of LKA specialists revealed that “among other things Nail and a small amount Gunpowder“They were installed. The police also gave the go-ahead:”In the situation in which it was found, the object was not flammable and did not represent any danger. “ According to specialists, the nails would only have moved a few centimeters in this condition. Therefore, a risk to people was “extremely unlikely” even in the event of a possible ignition.

Police did not reveal anything about the background. In addition, a total of 27 trains are registered at the Deutzer Feld depot and a decoupled section of trains at Gummersbach. There are also more than 20 explosives detection dogs of the federal police in action.

Update on October 3 at 4:33 pm.: After finding one possible explosive device in one Zug in a warehouse in Suburb the police searched the area. Explosive dogs are used, he says from the dpa. The operation can only be completed when it is 100% clear that no other suspicious object has been deposited.

To the Background nothing was known initially. During the investigation, both the Criminal Police and the
State security is involved, the spokesman said. According to “Bild”, the train was a regional train that had traveled from Gummersbach to Cologne on Friday.

Update October 3 at 3:35 pm.: the policeman has discovered a “possible explosive device” on the train parked in Cologne, says the dpa. At first, the police spoke of a suspicious item. Later it turned out that she was using Nail, Thumbscrew Y Gunpowder as it was filled with New Year’s Eve bollards. If he also had exploit it can, but it will still be examined, a police spokesman said on Saturday at the request of the German press agency. So be it unwise to talk about a bomb.

The image reported on Saturday, citing police, that it was an “unconventional explosive and incendiary device” found in a box. This had been X-rayed by special forces and was rendered harmless on the spot.

The station had been extensively cordoned off, police said. The area will be searched for possible other suspicious objects, said a police spokesman for the ntv news channel.

Cologne: explosive device found in Zug? Investigations continue

Update October 3 at 3:12 pm.: How Also, a helicopter is used to search for other trains. LKA experts will now find out how dangerous the device was, according to a morning police press release.

The discovery was made on a train parked at Deutzer Feld station, a purely operational station where passengers do not get on and off.

First report on October 3 at 2:48 pm.: Cologne – alarm in Cologne! in a Regional train became a possible Bomb discovered. The discovery of the night was known on Saturday (October 3) a few hours late. Noisy image a cleaner made the discovery in the tank Cologne-Deutzer FeldIt is said that the device was hidden in a box.

Cologne: Bomb found in Zug?

Dogs attack immediately. Of the Explosive device has been deactivated, continue. the policeman stated that it was an “unconventional explosive and incendiary device”. They are not officially confirmed image-Information that the device consisted of a fuse, fireworks, nails and screws. It could have seriously injured the passengers. According to the report, the train was en route since Friday Gummersbach to Cologne in action.

Cologne: How was the object deposited on the train?

the LKA secures traces on site, all other trains are also searched. Initially, the additional background was unclear. Also, if the explosive device was placed on the train in the depot or if it was traveling by train and did not ignite there.

Police had already reported an operation on Twitter on Saturday morning. Consequently, a “suspicious item” was deactivated around 3 am. (Red)
