AfD is only the third largest party in the east


reAccording to a survey, the AfD has lost massive support in eastern Germany and has gone from first to third place in a year. While the AfD was here in calendar week 40 of 2019 in the Kantar opinion research institute Sunday trend for “Bild am Sonntag” at 24 percent and thus one percentage point ahead of the CDU , now it only reaches 18 percent.

In the east it is far behind the CDU (30 percent) and just behind the left (19 percent). The SPD has 13 percent in the east, the Greens 9 percent, the FDP 5 percent, and other parties 6 percent.

Dispute over leadership and expulsions

Wing fights have been causing disputes in the group for a long time. Last week, the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag expelled its former press spokesman Christian Lüth after reports of inhumane comments about migrants in a television documentary. In May, the federal executive of the AfD revoked the membership of the former president of the state of Brandenburg, Andreas Kalbitz, and justified it with previous contacts in the right-wing extremist milieu.

According to the survey, the Union is losing one point nationwide, but is still by far the strongest force at 35 percent. At the level of the prior week, the Greens are at 18, the SPD at 16 and the AfD at eleven percent. The Left Party wins one point and now reaches nine percent. The FDP remains unchanged at six and the other parties at five percent.

For the survey, Kantar interviewed 2,397 people.
