Saturday 3 October 2020
A baker cannot bake muffins at home. Hubertus Heil knows it too. But the crisis in the crown showed that “much more mobile work is possible than we thought.” That is why the Minister of Labor presents a new “Mobile Work Law”. It is supposed to make family life easier.
Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil strives to achieve the legal right of employees to work from home 24 days a year. As reported by “Bild am Sonntag”, the SPD politician has completed his announced law for the right to work from home and now wants to include the “Mobile Work Law” in the departmental vote. Heil also justified his advance with the experience of the Corona period.
“Whenever possible, all employees should have a legal right of at least 24 days a year for mobile work,” Heil told the newspaper. If both parents have a job where mobile work is feasible, then based on my suggestion, one of the parents could alternately work one day from home each week. “That makes family life so much easier,” Heil said.
The Corona crisis showed “that much more mobile work is possible than we thought.” Mobile work isn’t just something for young people “who sit in a cafe with a laptop and a latte macchiato.” Because mobile work is already part of the modern world of work for some, but not yet possible for many, a law is required for it.
“The right to negotiate with the boss”
The minister wants the 24 days to be understood as the lower limit. Employees and employers could also agree to more home work individually in collective agreements or labor agreements.
“All employees have the right to negotiate mobile work with their boss,” Heil told “Bild am Sonntag”, but also referred to the limits of mobile work. “Of course, a baker cannot bake muffins from home. That is why an employer may reject the desire for mobile work if they have understandable organizational or operational reasons for doing so.
By law, employees can no longer refuse mobile work on principle. “Simply saying ‘no’ as an employer is no longer possible under the law. In the future, the boss and the employees will negotiate on an equal footing.”
Furthermore, the law stipulates that home office work hours must be digitally documented: “Working from home should not lead to the fact that you can no longer stop working. Even in the home office, work has to end sometime, “Heil said. That is why the law prescribes digital documentation of working hours for mobile work. This is technically very easy to solve using applications and programs.