Trump’s crown treatment: doubts despite optimistic statements


“Extremely Satisfied” – The President of the United States’ personal physician is optimistic about the corona treatment. But there are also other versions. Meanwhile, there is a lot of positive evidence in the Trump environment.

After his first night in the Walter Reed military hospital due to a coronavirus infection, there is different information about the health of the president of the United States, Donald Trump. Tweeted that it was ok thanks to the staff.

Trump’s personal physician, Sean Conley, had previously said that the 74-year-old was “very well.” Conley told reporters at the North Washington hospital that the medical team was “extremely pleased with the progress the president has made.” Trump had a fever Thursday and Friday, but has now been fever-free for 24 hours. Trump suffered from a mild cough, nasal congestion and fatigue. However, these symptoms have now improved.

Conley sidestepped the question of whether Trump had not received additional oxygen during the course of the infection. The doctor only said that Trump is currently not receiving additional oxygen. According to the AP news agency, Trump received supplemental oxygen before being admitted to the White House. Conley declined to give a date for Trump to be released from the hospital.

Also infected First Lady Melania Trump is doing very well. There are no signs of hospital treatment and she is recovering at home.

“Very worrying”

White House Chief of Staff Marc Meadows, on the other hand, said the president’s values ​​had been “very worrying” over the past 24 hours. The next 48 hours are crucial. “We are not yet on a clear path to a full recovery.”

He later told the Reuters news agency: “The president is doing very well.” He met with Trump several times during the day and spoke to him on various topics.

Trump was taken to the hospital by helicopter on Friday night (local time). The White House spoke of an injunction on the recommendation of doctors.

More and more infections in the Trump environment

Meanwhile, more and more infections are known in the Trump environment. His campaign leader, Bill Stepien, also tested positive for the virus.

The center of attention is the presentation of conservative attorney Amy Coney Barrett as a candidate for the vacancy on the Supreme Court on Saturday a week ago in the Rose Garden of the White House. More than 100 people gathered there in a small space. In the photos and videos it can be seen that few wore masks or kept their distance. The participants hugged or shook hands.

High-ranking participants infected

Corona’s tests have been positive for several participants since then: In addition to President and First Lady Melania Trump, there are former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, Trump adviser Chris Christie, Senators Mike Lee and Thom Tillis, the president. from the Catholic University of Notre Dame. , John Jenkins and journalist.

The White House Correspondents Association said that in addition to the reporter who was at the event in the rose garden, two other journalists tested positive on Friday. One of them was at a Trump press conference a week ago on Sunday, the other was part of the crowd of reporters traveling with the president during an election campaign the day before.

Preparation for the television duel is also in focus

According to US media reports, other now-infected people participated in Trump’s preparation for the Republican’s televised debate with his Democratic rival Joe Biden on Tuesday. In addition to Conway and Stepien, Trump’s close adviser Hope Hicks, whose infection Trump made public Thursday night, before her positive test result was known, was involved in the preparation.

Trump’s infected adviser Christie was also involved in the preparations. The former governor of New Jersey told ABC that no one in the room had worn masks, five or six people were present.

Trump’s Democratic challenger Joe Biden tested negative after the television matchup.

Republican party leader Ronna McDaniel also contracted the virus. According to the match, she received a positive test result on Wednesday. The “New York Times” reported that McDaniel last met with Trump on Friday a week ago.

Postponed campaign events

Campaign manager Stepien announced on Friday that all events where the president was required to appear in person would be postponed or only held online. It is not clear if the Republican can participate in the next television debate with Biden, which is scheduled for October 15.

Trump had campaigned in front of thousands of supporters in recent weeks, where he always appeared without a mask. The decision to travel to a meeting with donors in New Jersey on Thursday afternoon after Trump’s adviser Hicks’s positive test was known at the White House caused a stir. Trump also met with donors in the state of Minnesota on Wednesday.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 3, 2020 at 5:35 pm
