Trump as a precaution in the clinic: the virus spreads in the presidential environment


Officially, it is purely a precautionary measure, but several US media report: “This is serious.” The president of the United States, Trump, is being treated in a military hospital due to his corona infection. The virus appears to have possibly spread at an event at the White House.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is being treated in a hospital for the second day in a row due to his coronavirus infection. He is “very well,” as a letter from his personal physician, Sean Conley, emerged Friday night. The president was being treated with the drug Remdesivir, among other things, he did not need any oxygen supplies, the doctor wrote a few hours after Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed military hospital in northern Washington. “It’s going well I think! Thanks everyone. Love !!!!” Trump tweeted from the clinic.

The infection causes turbulence in the already chaotic election year. In a month, on November 3, Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden will stand for election. Trump had to cancel many campaign appearances, and events with members of the Trump family must be postponed. It’s unclear if this will also apply to the second Trump / Biden television debate, which is scheduled for Oct. 16. It is not yet clear how long Trump will have to stay in the hospital. The White House spoke for a few days.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Remdesivir is given for a total of five to a maximum of ten days, as approved in the EU. Close monitoring is necessary. Joe Biden wants to continue his election campaign undeterred.

Superspreader in the White House?

Now more and more infections are known from the Trump environment. In the days leading up to his positive corona test, Trump traveled extensively, staying close to dozens of people. In particular, the spotlight is on an event on the White House lawn a week ago when Trump introduced conservative attorney Amy Coney Barrett as a candidate for the vacancy on the United States Supreme Court. More than 100 people gathered there in a small space. Photos and videos show that few of them wore masks or kept their distance. According to CNN, the participants hugged or shook hands.

Since then, Corona’s tests have been positive for at least six of those present: In addition to Trump and his wife Melania, there is former high-ranking Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, who, according to her own statements, tested positive Friday for the night and has mild symptoms, and Senators Mike. Lee and Thom Tillis and the president of the Catholic University of Notre Dame, John Jenkins. Republican party leader Ronna McDaniel has also been infected. Renewal of the judge position still needs to be done according to plan.

Furthermore, it has since emerged that Trump’s campaign leader Bill Stepien has also been infected. The electoral campaign team confirmed a corresponding report from the magazine “Politico”. Stepien has mild, flu-like symptoms. Maintains control of the campaign from the central office. The positive test from Trump’s close adviser Hope Hicks on Thursday resulted in many other tests in the president’s environment.

“Mild symptoms”

In the coming days, Trump will use office space at the military hospital for his work, the White House said. He has “mild symptoms” but is in a good mood and has worked all day.

The fact that Trump was transferred to the clinic was a precautionary measure on the recommendation of the doctors. The president has taken a first dose of remdesivir and is resting, the personal physician said. He also takes zinc, vitamin D, the stomach drug famotidine, the sleep hormone melatonin, and aspirin.

Doctors view Remdesivir, which was originally developed to treat Ebola, not as a panacea for Covid 19 disease, but it is often helpful. According to the manufacturer, it can significantly reduce the risk of death in the event of a severe course of corona disease Covid-19. Additionally, Trump received a dose of an antibody cocktail, an experimental treatment method. He showed signs of fatigue; there were no further details about his symptoms.

“That is serious”

Several US media also reported a fever on Friday. “This is serious,” an anonymous adviser to the president said on CNN. Therefore, Trump has difficulty breathing. The broadcaster also quoted a senior administration official as saying that Trump’s condition is fine at this time. But there is concern in the White House that the situation could change quickly. At 74 years old and overweight, he is one of the patients at risk of corona.

“I think I’m doing very well.”Trump said in a short video message he recorded at the White House and posted on Twitter when he arrived at the clinic. The 50-year-old first lady stayed in the White House. Trump said in his video message that his wife was “very well.”

On Friday night, Trump announced on Twitter that he and Melania had tested positive. “We will begin our quarantine and recovery immediately. We will get through it TOGETHER.” Regardless of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump had campaigned in front of thousands of supporters in recent weeks, where he always appeared without a mask.

Biden warns

It was unclear on Friday how regularly the contact tracing took place. There was criticism in the American media. The decision to attend a meeting with donors in New Jersey on Thursday afternoon after the positive test of Trump’s adviser, Hicks, was known at the White House, caused a stir. Trump also met with donors in the state of Minnesota on Wednesday.

Trump’s infection once again highlights the pandemic, which has not ended in the United States. More than 7.3 million infections are known and more than 208,000 people have died after infection. Critics make strong accusations of Trump for his crisis management. He said several times that the virus would just disappear and openly questioned his experts’ assessments. He mocked Biden for his caution in the pandemic.

At a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Democratic presidential candidate said Trump’s infection was a warning to take the virus seriously: “It will not go away automatically.” Biden’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, had previously announced that the 77-year-old man and his wife Jill Biden had tested negative.

According to the RKI, the risk of serious illness between the ages of 50 and 60 increases with coronavirus infections. Pre-existing conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity are other risk factors. Once a year a medical check-up is published on Trump’s general condition. Personal physician Conley wrote in the latest report in early June that the president was healthy.
