The infected crown of the rose garden


It is not yet clear where Donald Trump contracted the corona virus. The president has made numerous appointments every day in recent weeks. But one of these events is now happening in the public eye: Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination as Supreme Court Justice. Trump proposed the attorney for the highest judicial office last Saturday, and at least seven participants have since tested positive for the coronavirus.

The photos showed the guests standing together and hugging without a mask or minimal distance. The nomination itself took place in the rose garden of the White House, that is, outside. According to the Washington Post, guests also stayed inside at the reception that followed.

The most prominent infected are Donald trump himself and his Wife melania. The illness of the two was known on Friday. The president was airlifted to a military hospital for treatment, as a precaution, according to the White House.

The president of the University of Notre Dame is also ill, John jenkins. He was invited to the nomination on Saturday because the nominee was studying Barrett at Notre Dame. He was later criticized within the university and apologized for ignoring the crown’s rules at the event.

Jenkins said that after arriving at the White House, they took a nasal swab for a rapid corona test. These rapid tests provide immediate results, but are less reliable than complex PCR tests. Jenkins wrote that he was then taken to a room with other guests, where they all wore a mask. A little later they were told that all the rapid tests were negative and that they could now remove the masks. Jenkins said it was a mistake not to wear a mask and shake hands. He did not set the example.

Along with Jenkins is with Kellyanne conway Another person fell ill in recent days whom Trump no longer sees every day. Conway is a longtime adviser to Trump and his former campaign manager. She resigned in August, she was there for Barrett’s nomination, but also in preparation for the televised duel with Joe Biden.

Also among the newly infected are two Republican senators: Mike lee from Utah and Thom tillis from North Carolina. The seventh sick person is a journalistwho was at the event, announced the White House Correspondents Association.

In addition to accumulation, the passage of time also draws attention. People infected with corona develop symptoms an average of five days after being infected. After Saturday’s nomination, symptoms would have been expected around Thursday, which fits well with the timing of Trump, who announced his infection on Friday.

So far there is no real evidence of Trump’s chain of infection. For example, he could have hired his colleague Hope Hicks, with whom he is in close contact and who tested positive for the corona virus on Wednesday. Hicks was not in Barrett’s nomination in the rose garden. A completely different source of infection is also conceivable.

Icon: The mirror
