Corona Munich: Söder’s grim scenario for far-reaching measures: “Stay longer than we think”


Corona news for Munich: Several slaughterhouse employees have been infected. Prime Minister Söder looks to the future.

  • The Bavarian cabinet has determined how a gastronomic rule imposed at Merkel’s summit will be implemented.
  • Meanwhile, it became known that several employees at the Munich slaughterhouse were infected with the corona virus.
  • We summarize the most important information for you in our news ticker.

9.16 am: Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder in an interview at the medical and pharmaceutical industry event “Burda Health Laboratory “ also to the current Corona-Lage expressed in the Federal Republic. The CSU chief said it was conceivable that there might be a vaccine in Germany for the foreseeable future.

However, be prepared for the fact that the current measures will be necessary for a long time: “And that also means that since not everyone will get vaccinated, everyone will be able to get vaccinated, they will stay with them. Distance rules and the maskI think it will last longer than we think, ”says Söder.

Update October 2, 8.38 am: From today on Munich long range Crown relief, but two groups still have to deal with limitations. All information at a glance.

Munich: Corona outbreak at slaughterhouse: city explains new actions

6:53 pm: Several slaughterhouse employees in Munich they tested positive for the coronavirus. At two o’clock Serial testing At the end of September, a total of twelve people were found infected, the city announced on Thursday. 151 employees tested negative. Those who tested positive and their next The contact person now it’s 14 days in quarantine. Employees would receive food in their accommodation. Those who tested negative are not in quarantine, a city spokesman said.

Am slaughterhouse be the Hygienic measures checked and disinfected the building, as they say. The cattle slaughter operator conducts a weekly series of tests on the entire workforce. On September 28, nine employees tested positive and three more on September 30. Employees will be screened again on Monday.

I’m in no mood for crown jokes: Söder-Kabinett announces Gastro-Hammer: this now comes to Munich

2.39 pm: It is in munich 7 day incidence beyond just above the set “Early warning value” 35. The city currently places it at 36.02. Compared to Tuesday, 81 new cases of coronavirus were reported yesterday in the metropolis of Isar.

Munich: fines for incorrect Corona information – the changes summarized

1:44 pm: Incorrect Name details in Corona Guest Lists costs Bayern onwards up to 250 euros penalty fee. The cabinet decided Thursday in Munich. Not only are guests asked to pay for the bad joke, too Restorers, Hotel operator Y organizer they are obliged to carefully maintain the name lists, otherwise they face a fine of 1000 euros.

The fine dates back to a decision by the federal and state governments this week that at least 50 euros is owed if someone enters the wrong name on a list.

1:20 pm: Meanwhile, the appearance of the head of the state chancellery has ended. Florian Herrmann now answers that Queries of the journalists present.

Corona Munich: Gastro-Hammer – false information costs up to 250 euros

1:08 pm: “If there is a regional increase Incidence value (more than 35), then the number of people should be Celebrations in the vicinity of rented rooms it can be reduced to 50. In private rooms, it is advisable not to exceed 25 ”, says Herrmann. This is one Target regulation by The city Hall.

1.00 pm: Ready to go. Chancellor of State Herrmann is there. “Even today, the consultations were strongly influenced by the corona pandemic,” begins the CSU politician and refers to the global one. Developing. Before the approaching winter, he was, as prime minister South – Very concerned: “The virus does not give up and keeps coming back.” You have to keep control over what is happening. No more today Opening steps has been decided.

Corona Munich: Fines are approaching for incorrect gastronomic information

Herrmann points out problems with private companies. Parties, “Outbreaks happen here again and again throughout Germany.” What is changing in Bavaria? “In the end, not much,” says the head of the state chancery. Specifically: a Penalty for false information in Restaurants is introduced, that also applies Hotels Y Events (everywhere the Registration requirement consists).

In the future, “Markus Söder” and “Donald Duck” up to 250 euros if they join those lists under a false name. The one in question Wirt has an obligation to collect data in the future, this is also under Suspension of fines (up to 1,000 euros). Identity checks they don’t need to be done, Herrmann emphasizes.

12:39 pm: How expensive will it be in the future to provide incorrect contact details at the beer garden? Answers are expected at the press conference in Munich, which will begin shortly.

Munich: How are the federal government’s crown requirements implemented? Press conference on the live ticker

11.07 am: To the results of the Cabinet meeting in Munich wants Chancellor of State Florian Herrmann (CSU) in a Press conference Quick. We will do this in Live-Ticker accompany.

Update October 1, 9:20 am: In who Guest lists wrong future Names indicates wort with Consequences calculate. That is an important result of the Merkel summit. too Hosts should control more. What do you think? We asked in Munich.

Corona Munich: Fines for incorrect contact details – How high is the gastro penalty?

Source message:

Munich – After the youngest Crown agreements since Bund Y Countries It is eagerly awaited how high Fines by bad Contact details in the future in Bayern will be. the cabinet wants to spank him on Thursday at his meeting (10:00 am); in principle, it was already seen a lot on Wednesday at the point I need to talk Between CSU Y Free voters since.

In addition, the cabinet also wants to transfer more specifications from the Prime Minister’s Conference to Bavaria, provided they have not been common practice in this country for a long time.

the Heads of government had agreed, among other things, that in public or rented rooms as Restaurants A maximum of 50 people is allowed to hold meetings if there are more than 35 in a district or independent city within seven days. New corona infections for every 100,000 inhabitants there. The state capital, Munich, lifted or expired broad restrictions on Wednesday.

Crown Munich: Federal Government Recommends Party Rules – How Does Cabinet Implement These?

by Parties in Private rooms is a maximum according to the federal-state resolution Number of participants “Highly recommended” by 25 people. Here, too, the cabinet has yet to clarify how this is done in Munich Y Bayern they must be specifically implemented and controlled.

Munich: requirements for corona hotspots must be met

Additionally, the federal and state governments agreed that only 25 people could celebrate in public or rented rooms if there were more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents in seven days. This is not new for Bavaria, but corresponds to a requirement that the cabinet already recently for CoronaHot spots he had decided.

On Thursday, however, the cabinet will have to re-advise and decide whether and how it will implement the federal-state decision, after which, for celebrations in private rooms. Upper limit It is “highly recommended” by ten participants.

Video: Angela Merkel – The new crown rules have been decided

List of rubrics lists: © Christof Stache / AFP
