After the poison attack: Navalny sees Putin behind the crime


In an interview, the Kremlin critic Navalny undoubtedly shows who is responsible for his poisoning: the Russian president. Only his secret services would have the means. The Moscow leadership reacted with indignation.

After his poisoning, Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the crime in an interview with the news magazine “Spiegel”. “I affirm that Putin was behind the crime and I have no other versions of the crime,” he said. Only the heads of the secret services under Putin’s direct orders (the FSB national secret service, the GRU military secret service and the SWR foreign secret service) have access to the deadly neurotoxin Novichok.

The 44-year-old announced that he would return to Russia. “My job now is to remain the type who is not afraid. And I am not afraid!” He will not give Putin the gift of saying goodbye to the fighting in Russia. Navalny said he had his eyes firmly set on next year’s parliamentary elections and wanted to break the monopoly of the Kremlin party “United Russia” there.

“Putin saved his life”

Russia’s leadership denies that there was poisoning and speaks of a provocation. Parliamentary leader Vyacheslav Volodin, one of Putin’s closest confidants, said in a statement posted on the Duma website: “Putin saved his life.” From the pilots to the Russian doctors to the Russian president, everyone would have saved Navalny’s life. If something really happened to him, it was a Western secret service staging. Navalny worked on behalf of foreign powers, Volodin claimed.

According to the analyzes of various laboratories, the most prominent opponent of the head of the Kremlin, Putin, was poisoned with the Novichok group’s neurotoxin. The agent of war is outlawed under the international ban on chemical weapons. Russian intelligence officials and members of the government repeatedly emphasized that all supplies of the poison developed during the Soviet era had been destroyed.

Thanks to germany

After being discharged from the Charité Clinic in Berlin, Navalny is now in a rehabilitation program to regain strength. So far he has had no connection to Germany, but he is grateful to the country, the people, the doctors and Merkel. Charité experts managed to restore his personality.

The politician had collapsed on a domestic flight in Russia and was later taken to Germany for treatment. He lay there in an artificial coma for weeks. A special laboratory of the Bundeswehr found the poisoning with the war agent of the Novichok group. Laboratories in France and Sweden confirmed the finding. The results of the investigation by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are eagerly awaited. After that, Russia is threatened with new sanctions.

Merkel’s surprise visit

The case has also significantly exacerbated tensions in German-Russian relations. Last week, Navalny received a visit from Chancellor Angela Merkel. In response to his thanks, she replied, in his words: “I only did what was my duty.”
