US Elections – Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden: US Host Frustrated With TV Duel


The television duel in the US presidential campaign has gotten quite out of control. Even veteran moderator Chris Wallace was unable to create meaningful discussion. Now there should be new rules.

American presenter Chris Wallace expressed his frustration at the chaotic course of the first television duel between President Donald Trump and his electoral challenger Joe Biden. He was “just sad” about how the debate went, the conservative Fox News anchor told the New York Times on Wednesday. He never thought the debate would go off the rails like this.

Moderator overwhelmed by Trump

Trump had not obeyed the rules of the debate and had repeatedly interrupted Biden. The duel of words was therefore extremely chaotic and violent. The former vice president responded with strong counterattacks and once called on the president to “shut up.” Wallace was unable to stop Trump.

“I’m a professional. I’ve never been through anything like this,” said the moderator, looking back at the debate. It was widely expected that Trump would attack his adversary harshly and with personal insults. But Wallace said he didn’t expect the president to do this throughout the debate. He did not realize in advance that these attacks would be the president’s strategy not only for the beginning of the speech duel, “but for the entire debate,” the moderator admitted.

The Commission wants to enact new rules

The commission in charge of organizing presidential debates announced changes to the rules for upcoming speech duels. “Last night’s debate made it clear that additional structure must be added to the format of the remaining debates to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues,” the Commission said.

Biden called Trump’s appearance on Wednesday’s television debate a “national disgrace.” The opposition Democratic presidential candidate still wants to participate in the two remaining television duels with the president, as announced by Biden’s campaign team. Some Democrats, as well as media commentators, had called on Biden to boycott more television debates.

Trump: “easily won by any measure”

Trump also announced that he wanted to participate. The president proclaimed himself the winner of the first debate. He said he “won easily from any point of view.” According to data analytics firm Nielsen, the debate was viewed by 73 million people.

The two remaining TV duels between Trump and Biden are scheduled for Oct. 15-22. Vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will have a television debate on Wednesday of next week. The election will take place on November 3.
