Coronavirus – Federal government warns: Travel warning for all of Belgium


First the Czech Republic, now Belgium – there is now a full warning against traveling to another neighboring country. Only for a country neighboring Germany there are no designated risk areas yet.

The federal government has issued a travel advisory for all of Belgium due to the increasing number of corona infections. This stems from the travel notice from the Federal Foreign Office updated Wednesday night. In Belgium, only the capital Brussels was recently listed as a crown risk zone. The statewide expansion now also affects the border regions with North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate.

A travel advisory is issued if the number of new corona infections exceeds the mark of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. It is not a ban, but it is said to have a significant deterrent effect, especially for tourists. However, it also has a silver lining for consumers: it allows vacationers to cancel reservations for free.

Only Poland is not yet on the risk list

The list of corona risk areas maintained by the Robert Koch Institute was also expected to be updated that evening. So far, 15 of the 27 EU countries are at least partially corona risk areas, Belgium, Spain, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg are even fully so.

Poland is the only one of Germany’s nine neighboring countries that is not yet on the risk list. But the number of infections is increasing there as well. The criteria for classification as risk zone and travel warning are identical for EU countries. In both cases, the number of new infections is used as a reference.
