“We are currently risking everything we have achieved”


The number of coronavirus infections is also increasing in Germany, and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is using the general debate in the Bundestag to make an extremely urgent appeal. Merkel spoke about the budget for 2021, but the chancellor stressed that she would not be able to give a routine speech in this situation. “We are currently experiencing how stealth is waning,” Merkel said Wednesday.

They all yearned for closeness, touch, and togetherness again. “I myself feel that. I do not feel different from the others,” said the Chancellor. “But we are currently risking everything we have achieved in recent months.” It must not be allowed to threaten nationwide restrictions again. He wants to do everything possible to avoid another national shutdown, the Chancellor said.

The pandemic is a long road and it has a difficult time ahead in the fall and winter. “I appeal to all of you, adhere to the rules that must continue to apply in the near future, we all, as citizens of this society, turn to pay more attention to each other.” It depends on each individual, that’s why I ask you “Merkel said.

She was sure that life “as we knew it” would return, the Chancellor said. Families would celebrate again, clubs, theaters and football stadiums would fill up again, “what a joy it will be”. But now everyone has to act “with patience and good sense” and thus save lives. The worsening of the situation with corona infections should be taken seriously.

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Adhering to the rules now protects not only the elderly, but the open and free society as a whole, he stressed. Germany could grow as a community through this historic challenge. Merkel called on people to talk to each other, explain and mediate.

The pandemic presented the world, Europe and Germany with an “unprecedented test,” he said. Germany weathered the crisis relatively well, also thanks to citizens’ extraordinary sense of responsibility.

Corona-Warnapp called it a success and currently referred to 18 million downloads in Germany. This is unique in Europe, although of course there are “initial problems”.

Ahead of the 30th anniversary of reunification on October 3, Merkel said that this “wonderful anniversary” would not be celebrated as she envisioned a year ago. “It will be quieter than it would be for the occasion.”

More about the coronavirus:

The federal and state governments agreed to strict corona requirements on Tuesday in light of the growing number of infections. Merkel and the prime minister agreed, among other things, the graduated upper limits of ten to 50 participants in private celebrations. These limits should be applied in counties where the number of new infections exceeds certain values. In addition, there must be a minimum fine of at least 50 euros to be paid by guests for incorrect information in the contact lists of restaurants.

Merkel defended the new debt budget of 96,000 million euros in the face of an exceptional emergency. Now you can react “quickly and powerfully” to the crisis, since there have been budgets without new debt for years. To be able to act in future crises, it is important to return to “constitutionally fair management” as soon as possible. Now, however, the right decisions have been made to strengthen social cohesion and investment.

[Mehr zum Thema: Diese Grafik zeigt, in welchen Regionen die Zahlen wieder steigen.]

The opposition received strong criticism. The leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Alice Weidel, accused the federal government of failure. “Your excessive measures are making the Crown crisis the worst recession in German history,” she said, demanding, “Stop causing panic.” She described the budget proposal as an “irresponsible oversight document.” The coalition used it Crisis “to chase the fastest train over poorly established points.”

FDP leader Christian Lindner called on the federal government to take more specific measures to combat the crown pandemic and an early return to budget discipline. Taking on new debt has become a “state philosophy” in the grand coalition.

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group Dietmar Bartsch, on the other hand, certified that the federal government’s crown policy was socially unbalanced. “The country will be even more divided after the crisis,” Bartsch said. He expressly supported Merkel’s call to continue to meet Corona’s requirements.

The green parliamentary leader Anton Hofreiter also called for compliance with the crown’s protective measures. It is critical that citizens continue to do well, Hofreiter said. At the same time, he urged that the federal and state governments make more efforts. You would like more bonding and more planning in advance. (with dpa, AFP)
