Corona Summit: more consensus than conflict


Chancellor Merkel recently warned of the corona pandemic with dramatic words. After the federal-state meeting, there is now more agreement than in previous meetings. This is also due to some words.

Vabout Justus Kliss, ARD capital studio

For Angela Merkel, she recently told CDU members at a meeting that the Covid 19 pandemic is a challenge that occurs every 100 years. She is said to have compared the possible consequential damage from the pandemic to the damage from war. That alone shows that the Chancellor believes that major efforts are needed to control the pandemic. At the press conference after the federal-state meeting, Merkel warned early on about the worrying infection figures.

And yet today he came to meet with the Prime Ministers, who did not want to follow his point of view on the necessary measures: The Chancellor emphasized that the measures should be regional and specific, that is, that the districts and cities themselves were in charge of locate sources of contagion and close chains of contagion. interrupt. That is the federal principle. Merkel actually seemed more relaxed after the press conference than in previous meetings of this type.

Minimal fine for false information

There is agreement on the establishment of a uniform fine. Incorrect address details when visiting a bar or restaurant should be subject to a 50 euro fine. A false statement is not a trivial crime, according to the Chancellor.

Only by providing correct and complete personal data and contact information can rapid detection and containment of crown buds be supported, emphasizes Hamburg’s first mayor Peter Tschentscher.

Controversial point of private parties

Anyone like the chancellor who thinks about the damage of war when considering the extent of the pandemic obviously has a hard time thinking that people are in the mood for big private celebrations. The federal government required a maximum limit of 25 participants for celebrations in private rooms and 50 participants for celebrations in public spaces. And then when the so-called seven-day incidence of 35 is exceeded.

But these considerations of the Federal Chancellery rejected some prime ministers like the prime minister of the CDU of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, or the prime minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff.

To maintain the image of unity, the group agreed on a formulation trick that sounds harsh, but is not legally binding: an “urgent recommendation” is made to ensure that the number of 25 people in enclosed spaces is not exceeded.

Haseloff should also be able to avoid the issue of fines. The country just got rid of contact lists, he said. And anyway, the penalty for incorrect information only applies when there are lists.

Agreement between AHA Rules

However, there is agreement on the AHA rules. That means keeping a distance of 1.5 meters, observing hygiene and wearing masks every day. Added to this are the “C”, which stands for Corona warning application, and the “L” for room ventilation. During the cold season, regular ventilation in all public and private rooms should help reduce the risk of infection. That sounds banal, according to the chancellor, but it could be the decisive behavior to minimize the risk of contagion.

Better postpone the trip

And there is one more point that the foreign minister and the country’s leaders do not contradict: they once again warn against not traveling to risk areas. If you return from a risk area, the new quarantine rules, which were approved on August 27, must apply. Consequently, travelers returning from risk areas must be quarantined and can only be tested after five days and shortened the usual 14-day quarantine if the test result is negative. It is still open if the quarantine period should be 14 or 10 days and when this regulation will take effect, but probably not before October 15.
