Status: 29.09.2020 7:43 pm
In many cities in Lower Saxony, there was nothing in local traffic on Tuesday due to a warning strike. The ver.di union had asked public sector workers to hold warning strikes.
The focus was on Lower Saxony Hannover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Goslar Y Göttingen. According to estimates by a Üstra spokesperson, around 400,000 passengers were affected in the state capital alone. Transport companies had previously advised their guests to switch to other means of transport. In cities, the increased volume of traffic caused some traffic jams. A Hannover police spokesman said there were no major adverse effects on the road in light of the announcements. The travelers would have prepared well.
Local traffic will be included in a national framework collective agreement
Ver.di requires entry into a national framework collective agreement for a total of 87,000 local transport employees. Local public transport is also part of the public service, but the union’s demands have nothing to do with current collective bargaining.
Ver.di: “strong” participation
The union called participation in the local transport warning strike “strong”. Employees are disciplined and wear respiratory masks, a spokesperson said. Employees are asked to report to warehouses during normal shifts. A total of around 3,500 participants was expected.
Hospitals and nursing homes are on strike
The warning strike should continue on Wednesday, but no longer on local transport: instead, it should affect about 20 hospitals and nursing homes. The ver.di union asked the workers to stop working, as they did on Tuesday. Among the hospitals on strike are said to be the clinic hospitals. Hannover Region, the hospitals Lüneburg Y Wolfsburg as well as psychiatry in Lüneburg.
Striking municipal administrations, garbage collectors and energy providers
In addition to buses and trains, parts of city administrations, garbage collectors and energy providers also went on strike on Tuesday. However, this was not as visible as in previous years: There could be no large demonstrations or strikes due to the corona pandemic, said the managing director of the ver.di district of southeast Lower Saxony, Sebastian Wertmüller, NDR 1 Lower Saxony . But there are smaller campaigns with 50 to 100 participants, as in Lüneburg, Salzgitter Y Wolfsburg.
Featured events in Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg
In southern Lower Saxony, protests began Tuesday with a focus on Braunschweig, Salzgitter Y Wolfsburg started. According to Ver.di, among other things, employees of the energy provider BS-Energy were called to work stoppages, as well as employees of the Salzgitter City Hall and the Wolfsburg Clinic. Employees of the employment agency in Braunschweig and Salzgitter had also announced strikes, as had the professional fire brigade rescue service. The availability of the ambulance is assured, it is said.
Strikes at the Wegener Clinic and Institute in Bremerhaven
Ver.di also had strikes in the neighboring country Bremen called. According to the union, the actions at the Reinkenheide Clinic and at the Alfred Wegener Institute were in Bremerhaven planned. On Thursday, daycare and school cleaners also want to stop working.
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