Before the federal-state summit: Merkel wants to take “brutal” measures


To get the number of infections back under control, the federal government wants to limit the number of guests at private celebrations and possibly enforce an alcohol ban. It is not clear if countries will participate. Therefore, the Chancellor hardened the tone before consultations with the country’s leaders.

In light of the persistently high number of corona infections, the federal government wants to impose significantly stricter restrictions on private parties at the next federal-state summit. Chancellor Angela Merkel said after information from RTL in a video conference with the CDU presidium on Monday, “brutal measures must be taken” in the regions that are severely affected. At the same time, she warned that there could be 19,200 new infections a day by Christmas if the infection rate continues to develop. It was said that you had extrapolated it.

The federal government proposes a maximum limit of 25 participants for celebrations in private rooms. In public spaces, the limit should be a maximum of 50 participants, according to a draft federal resolution for deliberations. In general, the federal government proposes a regionally graduated procedure, without general measures. In view of the number of infections, no further opening steps should currently be allowed, the document continues. Design details:

  • To allow correct follow-up of contacts, regulatory authorities must be able to prove wrongful personal information violations in restaurants with a minimum fine of 50 euros.
  • In particularly affected regions, the federal government also wants to limit the amount of alcohol served under certain conditions. In order to minimize infections in gastronomy, “limited-time alcohol service bans would have to be issued” as the number of infections increases.
  • It is unclear whether the maximum amounts mentioned for private parts should only apply if certain limit values ​​are broken for new infections. The draft states in brackets that federal states would enact regulations on the number of festival participants if the number of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a district is exceeded in seven days. This means that the critical number of new infections for this regulation has yet to be negotiated at the conference.
  • If more than 50 people per 100,000 inhabitants are infected in a district within 7 days, further action will be taken. In particular, the number of participants should be further limited, according to the ideas of the federal government, to a maximum of 10 participants in private rooms and a maximum of 25 participants in public rooms.
  • A crown warning light is not expressly mentioned. It is said, however, that before the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants reaches 50, the federal states “will establish an adequate early warning system to avoid exceeding this incidence as much as possible.”
  • In view of the expected wave of flu in the fall and winter, the federal government proposes the use of ambulances for fever. The federal and state governments must quickly come up with a concept of how overload can be prevented, especially in hospitals and general practitioner practices.
  • Especially in the cold season, two more letters should be added to the current “AHA” formula to maintain a safe distance, hygiene and daily masks: “C” for Corona warning application and “L” for ventilation. “Regular ventilation in all public and private spaces can significantly reduce the risk of infection,” he says.

“In light of falling temperatures, the increased amount of time spent in closed rooms in the fall and winter, and the looming flu season, we must now take extra care,” says the draft warning. This is especially true in the realm of leisure activities and private celebrations, which have recently proven to be the main causes of regional contagion. The main objective of the measures should be to keep schools and day care centers running on site and not jeopardize the restart of the economy.

Federal Education Minister Anja Karliczek called for greater efforts to ensure the school runs smoothly. She is “concerned that the pandemic will once again endanger school teaching,” the CDU politician told the publishing network in Germany. The number of students in quarantine is still manageable, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Society could prevent it if the basic rules to combat the pandemic were followed. “But this discipline must also be applied by everyone involved in the schools themselves.”

Merkel and the prime ministers last discussed measures in the pandemic in late August. Even then, celebrations in private and family circles, which are considered one of the main causes of the increasing number of infections, caused concern. At the time, the federal and state governments were unable to agree on national upper limits for the number of participants.
